Rwanda - Energy Sector Wide Approach Swap Secretariat TOR for Energy Policy and Economics Specialist
1. Background
The Government of Rwanda through the national electricity corporation (RECO) is embarked on a sector wide Electricity" Access Rollout Program (EARP), to realize the primary EDPRS target for the electricity sector of tripling access by 2012 to about 16 percent of households and at least 50 percent of identified public institutions in health, education and local administration.
This will require about 215,000 with new grid connections, and also include efforts to reach rural consumers and service providers currently off the national grid.
The program will be implemented within the frame¬work of a Sector Wide approach (SWAp); to encompass all donors active in the sector under one common sector investment program.
The overall investment envelope for the first SWAp time (2009-2013) is estimated to $378 million, for the program period covered by the first Prospectus that has been endorsed by all the Partners and key sector institutions in Rwanda, including RECO, the national electricity utility company.
EARP implementation will be subject to the moni toring, evaluation and results framework as well as the oversight and accountability process of regular reviews as agreed with the'energy sector working group (SWG), chaired by the Minister Minifra on advice from the Partners; with analytical and other support provided by the SWAp Secretariat in Mininfra.
More specifically, the SWAp secretariat staff (see staffing matrix below) is responsible as a team for facilitating the SWG's core advisory functions such as:
1. Background
The Government of Rwanda through the national electricity corporation (RECO) is embarked on a sector wide Electricity" Access Rollout Program (EARP), to realize the primary EDPRS target for the electricity sector of tripling access by 2012 to about 16 percent of households and at least 50 percent of identified public institutions in health, education and local administration.
This will require about 215,000 with new grid connections, and also include efforts to reach rural consumers and service providers currently off the national grid.
The program will be implemented within the frame¬work of a Sector Wide approach (SWAp); to encompass all donors active in the sector under one common sector investment program.
The overall investment envelope for the first SWAp time (2009-2013) is estimated to $378 million, for the program period covered by the first Prospectus that has been endorsed by all the Partners and key sector institutions in Rwanda, including RECO, the national electricity utility company.
EARP implementation will be subject to the moni toring, evaluation and results framework as well as the oversight and accountability process of regular reviews as agreed with the'energy sector working group (SWG), chaired by the Minister Minifra on advice from the Partners; with analytical and other support provided by the SWAp Secretariat in Mininfra.
More specifically, the SWAp secretariat staff (see staffing matrix below) is responsible as a team for facilitating the SWG's core advisory functions such as:
- policy and strategic guidance;
- resource needs and allocation criteria;
- review and vetting of the regular (annual) updated spatial least-cost grid rollout plan by RECO, and off-grid investment plan updates by Mininfra/EWA (however, individual subprojects would not be subject to approval by the SWG);
- monitoring the progress of implementation EARP by RECO, against agreed-upon annual targets and strategic direction consistent with the spatial rollout program and strategy developed in the current endorsed prospectus and subsequent updates (vis-a-vis policy parameters such as share of new connections via intensification (LV+service drops) and extensification (MV+LV+service drops), regional balance, priority institutions, grid-off-grid interface aspects, efforts at lowering unit connection cost, increasing effectiveness of program delivery by strengthening equipment supply and services delivery chains );
- joint review of the medium-term budget framework paper and budget for the sector;
- review of quarterly progress reports and guidance on shifts and/or adjustments judged necessary to achieve the results and outcomes of the Electricity Access Rollout Program (EARP);
- regularly scheduled, but at least quarterly, meetings to oversee progress on implementation of sector activities reported by the implementing institutions/units;
- Preparation for and annual conduct of the Joint (GoR/Donor) Annual Sector Performance Report (JASPR) and review, and advice on the need for any specific corrective actions ("undertakings") as appropriate
In addition to the SWG's functions outlined above, from time to time and as agreed on by the SWG, special studies are expected to be commissioned, focusing on specific topics of relevance and priority, and that merit an in-depth assessment.
Examples include:
Examples include:
- "value-for-money study," - an independent specialist audit and assessment of the tangible and specific benefits and improvements by the intended beneficiary perspectives.
2. Job Description
The energy policy and economics specialist will provide the analytical underpinnings for the economic and policy related issues and functions before the SWG.
He (she) will build capacity and otherwise mentor local counterparts during the normal course of work.
He is responsible to prepare and otherwise facilitate preparation of supporting information, analysis briefs, and inputs relevant to energy economics and policy related issues and deliberations of the SWG.
He will be responsible for the design and preparation of the "value-for-money" study.
Additionally, the energy policy economist will be engaged in overseeing design and conduct of spatially targeted surveys and analysis thereof to address key program issues and data inputs on user affordability and household expenditure surveys, user satisfaction, beneficiary impacts of EARP, promotion of productive uses in agriculture, tariffs and financing issue, among other studies and reports.
He(she) will liaise regularly with counterparts within the SWAp secretariat as well as counterparts in RECO's EARP Department, those in the off-grid activities ongoing, and as appropriate with counterparts in the ministry of Finance, and other sector institutions such as Bureau of Census.
This includes preparing and circulating in advance appropriate documents and materials for SWG meetings relevant to the agenda; drafting meeting minutes; and contracting, mobilizing, and managing consultants engaged by the SWG as needed.
He (she) will work as a member of the Secretariat team and will support other energy sector activities if necessary.
3. Reporting
The energy policy and economics specialist will provide the analytical underpinnings for the economic and policy related issues and functions before the SWG.
He (she) will build capacity and otherwise mentor local counterparts during the normal course of work.
He is responsible to prepare and otherwise facilitate preparation of supporting information, analysis briefs, and inputs relevant to energy economics and policy related issues and deliberations of the SWG.
He will be responsible for the design and preparation of the "value-for-money" study.
Additionally, the energy policy economist will be engaged in overseeing design and conduct of spatially targeted surveys and analysis thereof to address key program issues and data inputs on user affordability and household expenditure surveys, user satisfaction, beneficiary impacts of EARP, promotion of productive uses in agriculture, tariffs and financing issue, among other studies and reports.
He(she) will liaise regularly with counterparts within the SWAp secretariat as well as counterparts in RECO's EARP Department, those in the off-grid activities ongoing, and as appropriate with counterparts in the ministry of Finance, and other sector institutions such as Bureau of Census.
This includes preparing and circulating in advance appropriate documents and materials for SWG meetings relevant to the agenda; drafting meeting minutes; and contracting, mobilizing, and managing consultants engaged by the SWG as needed.
He (she) will work as a member of the Secretariat team and will support other energy sector activities if necessary.
3. Reporting
- He (she) will report to the Energy Sector Coordinator in the Ministry of Infrastructure or the equivalent authority in the Energy and Water Board once it is set up.
4. Qualifications and experience
- Masters degree in Economics from an internationally reputed University.
- Strong foundation and quantitative skills in economic analysis
- Minimum of five years of relevant work experience, including international experience, in senior position(s) of responsibility and advisory capacity on energy sector issues on policy, economics, tariffs.
- Prior experience with sector-wide approach (SWAp) frameworks and processes, highly desirable
- Training and working familiarity with survey design and analysis of consumer statistical surveys, affordability studies, household expenditure surveys and analysis a plus
- Working language is English, French language skills are an advantage
- Two references with contact details - phone and email - shall be provided with the application in support of professional working history.
5. Contract period
- The successful candidate will sign a contract for 24 months with the possibility of a 12 month extension.
All applications shall include a letter of motivation, curriculum vitae and relevant certificates.
They shall be submitted to
Rwanda Electricity Corporation (RECO),
4th Floor/ Rwanda Electricity Corporation (RECO) - Headquarters,
Rue du Lac Ihema,
P.O Box 537 Kigali, Rwanda.
Tel: + (250) (0)252573666,
Fax + (250) (0)252573802
Email: elgz @
and no later than 18./02/2010
Done at Kigali, on 14/01/2010
MUYANGE Yves Acting Director General