Terms of reference for consultant to train Somali veterinary laboratory personnel
Location city: Sheik
Location country: Somaliland
Closing date: 30th November 2008
1. Introduction
The Somali Animal Health Services Project phase II (SAHSP II) is funded by EC and implemented by five partners namely Terra Nuova, FAO, COOPI, UNA and Veterinaires Sans Frontieres Germany (VSF-G). The objective of SAHSP II is to improve the capacity of Somali institutions and communities for sustainable risk management of trade limiting animal diseases. To achieve this objective, SAHSP II is providing training, technical and financial support to enable Somali communities and institutions to undertake key components of risk management of trade limiting animal diseases which includes surveillance, disease reporting, early warning and the establishment of preparedness and response systems to outbreaks of priority animal diseases. In this regard trade limiting animal diseases are Rift Valley Fever (RVF), Foot and mouth disease (FMD), Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP), Peste des petits ruminants (PPR), Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and Camel pox.
The Sheikh Technical Veterinary School (STVS) is a regional training institution located in the highlands of Sahil region (Somaliland). It was established to improve veterinary services to pastoralists in the Horn of Africa through training of the necessary human resources to serve the marginalized pastoral areas. STVS is a veterinary school offering courses on veterinary science but also focuses on addressing challenges of local livestock marketing and international animal and animal products trade. It is co-funded by the European Commission and the Danish Government. It is implemented by Terra Nuova in partnership with the African Union – Interafrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) and Makerere University (Uganda).
The Somali Animal Health Services Project is providing support for the establishment of laboratory facilities within the Ministry of Livestock (MoL) in Somaliland, the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Environment (MoLAE) in Puntland and the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Environment (MLFE) of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia. Veterinaires Sans Frontieres Germany (VSF-G) is in charge of laboratory trainings for participants from all over Somalia (Somaliland, Puntland, Central and South Somalia).
VSF-G is an International NGO supporting humanitarian and development interventions in the region mainly in Southern Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania and Somalia. Its main activities focus on improving animal health, food security, initiating peace and conflict resolution approaches amongst conflict communities and supporting the resettlement of IDPs.
The Project seeks the inputs of experienced laboratory technologists/technicians as short-term consultants to assist Somali personnel to set up laboratory facilities for bacteriological, serological and parasitological processing and testing of specimens. The consultants will also provide training to enable the Somali personnel to undertake laboratory tests.
The, training sessions will be carried out at STVS which has the capacity to host trainees as well as training facilities. This environment offers a good opportunity for consultations with STVS academic staff. The consultant will be based at STVS for the duration of this mission.
2. Objectives and scope
The objectives of the consultancy are:
- To train 16 laboratory staff to enable them to undertake basic laboratory procedures for processing and testing of samples for serology, parasite infestations and bacterial infections.
- To assess the performance of trainees and identify suitable individuals to benefit from further training in a more advanced laboratory environment.
- Assess the laboratory facilities vis a vis the needs for veterinary laboratory services in Puntland, Somaliland, Central and South Somalia and make recommendations on the requirements for further improvement of the laboratory capacity.
3. Tasks for the consultants
The consultants will be expected to perform the following tasks:
- Prepare training modules and manuals for discussion with VSF-G, SAHSP II PMU and Sheik Teaching Veterinary School (STVS) staff prior to the start of activities at the STVS.
- Guide Puntland, Somaliland, Central and South Somalia laboratory personnel in the organisation of existing laboratories including the arrangement of equipment and separation of work areas for preparation, sterilisation and storage of glassware, serological testing, parasitological examinations and bacteriological testing.
- Train laboratory staff in preparation, sterilisation and storage of glassware for laboratory use.
- Train laboratory staff in processing, labelling, storage and transportation of samples for serological, bacteriological and parasitological testing.
- Train Laboratory staff on which samples should be taken for which suspected diseases from live animals and from carcasses
- Train identified staff in the use of laboratory tests for identification of blood parasites, examination of faecal samples for helminth infestations and examination of specimens for bacterial infections.
- Train laboratory staff in preparation and maintenance of laboratory records.
- Assess the competence of individual trainees and recommend suitable candidates for further training through study tours and attachments at more advanced laboratories in the East African region.
- Prepare activity reports for submission to VSF-G, SAHSP II and STVS on completion of the training session.
4. Methodology
The consultant will be expected to be familiar with the SAHSP II Project document particularly the sections that outline support for the rehabilitation of laboratories and the training of laboratory personnel. The consultants will prepare training modules and manuals for discussion and approval by VSF-G, SAHSP II and STVS staff prior to the start of activities. The consultant will then conduct a training course over a period of 48 days for 16 laboratory staff, evaluate their performance and make recommendations for further training requirements.
5. Reporting and feedback
The consultant will be expected to present the draft training modules and manuals for approval by VSF Germany, SAHSP II and STVS. The consultants will then conduct the training and assessments in Somaliland following a time schedule and sequence agreed with VSFG, SAHSP II PMU and STVS.
Following completion of each training session, the consultants will debrief the VSFG Somalia Programme Manager, the SAHSP II PMU and the STVS Project Manager and subsequently prepare and submit activity reports to the VSFG Management Unit in Nairobi within 10 days of their return from Sheik Teaching Veterinary School (STVS)/Somaliland.
6. Expertise required
- Senior Laboratory Technologists/technicians with an advanced diploma in medical laboratory technology
- Experience in a busy veterinary laboratory with practical knowledge of laboratory procedures for serological, bacteriological and parasitological diagnosis
- At least 5 years experience in on-the job training of laboratory personnel from diverse cultural backgrounds.
- Specific knowledge and practical experience of diagnostic procedures for trade-limiting animal diseases.
- Excellent report-writing and analytical skills
- Straightforward and systematic
7. Time schedule
The training should be carried out for a total of 48 calendar days commencing not later than 8th December 2008. The schedules for travel to Somaliland will be arranged depending on the availability of flights and assessments of the prevailing security status.
8. How to apply
Applicants should submit their
- Work plan & Methodology
- Costing
- Profiles of consultants.
- Recommendations from previous similar assignments.
VSF- G Somalia Programme Manager,
Applications should reach us by COB on Sunday, 30th November 2008
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.