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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Vacancies: Monitoring and Evaluation Positions

The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is a regional non-profit research organization that carries out high quality and policy relevant research on population and health issues facing sub-Saharan Africa. Its main activities over the next five years include Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of a major reproductive health intervention (the Intervention) to be implemented in urban areas of selected sub-Saharan African countries. The goal of the Intervention, which will be implemented by different in-Country Consortium (ICC), is to test and document cost-effective integrated interventions to increase modern contraceptive prevalence rates.

To undertake this Program, APHRC has openings for the positions of M&E Technical Lead; M&E Country Managers; and M&E Research Officer. All three positions will be based at APHRC’s headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.

Interested candidates should send via email or mail their letter of application (1 page); a statement of research interests and goals (1-2 pages); and their CV with contact details of three referees to:

The Human Resources Manager, APHRC

P.O. Box 10787, 00100, Nairobi, Kenya; Email:

Please indicate clearly the title of the position you are applying for on the subject line for applications sent via email.

Note: Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

  • M&E Technical Lead (Application deadline: January 15, 2008)

Major responsibilities: In collaboration with and reporting to the Program Leader:

  1. Provide technical leadership and assistance to project partners in developing M&E plans;
  2. Define and oversee the plan of work of M&E Country Managers;
  3. Work with In-Country Consortia in the monitoring and evaluation of the impact of the Intervention within and across target countries;
  4. Lead the documentation of best practices emanating from the Intervention and its evaluation;
  5. Organize country and regional workshops and maintain the project’s website to disseminate the project’s findings and the lessons learnt;
  6. Work with universities and training institutions across the region to identify capacity building needs; and work with identified In-Country M&E Partners to build country and regional capacity in monitoring and evaluation of population, reproductive health and nutrition interventions.

Qualifications and Experience

  1. PhD in Public Health, Demography or a related discipline; and at least five years of relevant experience in monitoring and evaluation of population, family planning, and reproductive health activities in developing countries;
  2. Experience in building capacity to undertake measurement and evaluation of population and reproductive health programs in developing countries;
  3. Strong writing and communication skills, and good record of publications on M&E related issues;
  4. Proven ability to work effectively with funding agencies and national and local personnel; Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills; and ability to work effectively in developing country environments;
  5. Fluency in English; at least a fair knowledge of French is desirable;
  6. Familiarity with MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and Statistical Packages (STATA, SPSS);
  7. Availability to travel internationally, about 30-40% of time.
  • M&E Country Managers (Application Deadline: January 15, 2009

Major responsibilities: In collaboration with and under the supervision of the M&E Technical Lead:

    1. Work with In-country Consortia and In-Country M&E Partners in all aspects of the project including the implementation of the Initiative, sampling and design of tools for data collection, and capacity building;
    2. Develop guidance documents and accompanying training materials for results reporting; and assist project Management to develop donor reports and associated materials;
    3. Documentation of best practices emanating from the Intervention and its evaluation;
    4. Act as a focal point for the gathering, recording and reporting of information on the project in the country, preparing information briefs and coordinating responses to requests for information from other internal units and from external parties;
    5. Liaise with all relevant national stakeholders.

Qualifications and Experience

  1. PhD in Public Health, Demography or a related discipline;
  2. At least two years of post-doctoral relevant experience in monitoring and evaluation of population and reproductive health activities in developing countries;
  3. Good writing and communication skills and good record of publications in population and reproductive health issues facing developing countries;
  4. Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively with other project staff and with national and international institutions;
  5. Fluency in English;
  6. Familiarity with MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and statistical software (STATA, SPSS);
  7. Availability to travel internationally about 50-60% of time.
  • M&E Research Officer (Application deadline: December 31, 2008)

Major responsibilities: Under the supervision of the M&E Technical Lead, perform duties including tracking activities and results; developing information systems for reporting and retrieving results for project activities including capacity building; developing guidance documents and accompanying training materials for results reporting; and assisting project Team to develop donor reports and associated materials. He/she will also participate in other M&E research and technical assistance activities of the project.

Qualifications and Experience

  1. Master in Public Health, Demography or a related discipline;
  2. Demonstrated skills in M&E frameworks, indicator development, systems development and report writing;
  3. Good writing and communication skills;
  4. Fluency in English; a second language, French is desirable;
  5. Familiarity with MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and statistical software (STATA, SPSS);

For all three positions, preference will be given to nationals of sub-Saharan African countries. Women are encouraged to apply.

For more information about the openings and about APHRC, visit All requests for information should be sent by email ONLY to

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Monitoring and Evaluation

Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008