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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Career Opportunities in a Medium Sized Organization

A medium sized organization is looking for qualified persons to fill the following positions:


Reporting to the The Chief Executive Officer and operating in a highly competitive and dynamic environment, this challenging position requires the candidates to perform the following functions:

  • Developing robust human resources policies and procedures on staff recruitment, training, benefits and compensation,
  • Prepare and deliver presentations and reports on human resource management polices and practices.
  • Evaluate, modify and administer staff benefits schemes to ensure they are competitive and comply with legal requirements.
  • Analyze training needs in conjunction with the departmental heads and develop robust training programs.
  • Develop effective grading and salary structures.
  • Review and recommend optimal organizational structure and succession plans.
  • Plan and conduct programs for staff joining the organization, staff movements and leavers.
  • Design and conduct employee surveys.
  • Ensure the maintenance of up-to-date human resources records and statistics.
Qualification, knowledge, experience
  • Bachelor's degree in Business Management, Social Sciences, or Related discipline.
  • Diploma in Human Resources Management, organizational development or related areas.
  • Minimum 8 years work experience, of which 5 must be at Senior HR management level.
  • Highly developed information technology skills.
  • Excellent communication skills, oral and in writing.

Reporting to the Accountant and will be responsible for:
  • Collecting revenue and processing payments.
  • Writing, maintaining and balancing Cash book and other relevant ledgers on daily basis
  • Banking Cash, Cheques and Money orders on daily basis
  • Preparing and/or filing accounting documents e.g. deposit in slips, claim vouchers
  • Maintaining Tax records and other statutory deductions.
  • Ensuring Organization bills and expenses are paid up in time.
  • Performing other duties as directed by the accountant
Qualification, Knowledge, Experience
  • Over 3 years experience in a busy accounting environment.
  • Over 28 years of age
  • K.A.T.C. I and II.
  • C.PA. Part I an added advantage
  • K.C.S.E grade C (plain)
  • Conversant with computer accounting packages

Qualification. Knowledge, Experience
  • At least C in KCSE
  • Certificate in stores management or supply management
  • Computer literate.
  • 25 years and below.
Send your application to:

P.O. Box 49010, GPO 00100,

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