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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Water and Sanitation Consultant to Conduct a Needs Assessment in the Turkana District : Solidarities in Kenya

Terms of Reference
Title of the position: Water and Sanitation Consultant
Start date: 1st December 2008

Under the responsibility of (mission): Program Coordinator, Solidarités in Kenya

Duration of assessment: 21 Days as a minimum, availability of 3 weeks requested

Summary of the assessment :

Solidarités will conduct a needs assessment in the Turkana district, related to Food Security and water and sanitation. The assessment team will be composed 3 evaluators: 1 program coordinator from Solidarités, 1 food security coordinator from Solidarités, and 1 consultant for water and sanitation.

Basic position description:

The consultant will identify the key needs in Turkana district regarding water and sanitation, and provide technical recommendations to address the needs.

Assessment funded by: DFID

Country: Kenya

Base: North Horr


1. Description of the ongoing programmes in the country

Solidarités is present in Kenya since 2007, the zone of intervention includes the slums of Nairobi and the North Horr region. From Nairobi, Solidarités conducts programmes in Bardera and Afmadow in Somalia. The programmes which are currently implemented by Solidarités comprise of Water and sanitation activities as well as Food security activities; below are the main activities under way:
  • Water and sanitation activities
  • Wells rehabilitation
  • Latrines construction
  • Rainwater rock catchment
  • Hygiene/Health promotion
  • Food security activities
  • Seeds and tools distribution
  • Urban agriculture
  • Livestock activities (camels, poultry, bee keeping, etc.)
  • Fodder production
  • Rangeland management
  • Reforestation

2. Duties and Responsibilities
The consultant will produce all the necessary documents in order to elaborate a proposal to be submitted to donors. He will use all the human resources, logistical and financial resources which will be allocated in order to achieve the following results:

3. Expected results of the assessment
  • R1 : The context of the zone assessed is comprehensively described (security, stakeholders, humanitarian actors, …)
  • R2 : Emergency needs in the sector of water and sanitation as well as food security are identified and prioritized
  • R3 : A potential area of intervention is identified
  • R4 : Adapted responses to the needs are defined and a budgeted proposition to fund the potential operation is designed
  • R5: The groups to be targeted for a potential intervention are identified
4. Proposed methodology:

Secondary data review:
  • Gather and analyze information produced by national institutions, UN agencies, INGOs about the Turkana district
  • Analyze the strategy of national authorities and donors for the Turkana district in the sectors of Water and sanitation and Food security
  • Consultation with key stakeholders in order to have a full understanding of the context of Turkana district
Primary data collection
  • Interview key informants (local administrative and technical authorities, community leaders, etc.)
  • Focus group discussion using semi-structured questionnaires
  • Use of different PRA tools (seasonal calendar, Venn diagram, problem ranking, wealth classes, direct observation, etc.
  • Household visits and interviews using questionnaires
5. Activities

  • Produce information related to the general context of the Turkana district: population, ecology, social and political situation
  • Assess the strategy of national authorities and donors for Turkana district
  • Describe the action of humanitarian actors in the Turkana district (if any)
  • Undertake a systemic stakeholder analysis in the Turkana district and describe their contribution, influence or effect on a potential intervention by Solidarites
  • Identify and prioritize the needs in the Turkana district, on a broader perspective
  • Describe the status and profile of the vulnerability of the communities living in Turkana district.
  • Prepare a detailed needs assessment report clearly pointing out the justification of a proposed intervention; a report format is proposed in annex.
  • Describe the vulnerability criteria related to Water and sanitation
  • Make a vulnerability mapping of the Turkana district
  • Make a SWOT analysis of the identified zones of vulnerability
  • Identify suitable locations of interventions, preferably areas of needs not targeted by other NGO’s in the area
  • Identify the key activities in which Solidarites would intervene in the sectors of Water and sanitation
  • For each proposed activity, describe the expected results and positive impact on the beneficiary communities
  • Propose action plan to prevent and manage possible accidents during project cycle
  • Prepare a concept note using ECHO format
  • Prepare estimated bills of quantities for the proposed activities (if any)
  • Describe the priority groups who need assistance
  • Propose a method for selecting beneficiaries of the future intervention (if needed).
Expected documents
Deadline: First control step: 14th December
At this stage, the following draft documents have to be released to the HoM or the Programme coordinator:
  • Assessment report and relevant annexes (maps, questionnaires, heath statistics, etc…)
  • Logical framework, budget, designs and means per activities
After discussion and revision/validation by the HoM or the Programme coordinator, final documents compilation to be released the 21st December 2008 are:
  • The revised assessment report with all the relevant annexes (maps, questionnaires, results, heath statistics, etc…) revised
  • He revised Logical framework, budget, designs and means per activities
  • Narrative form (ECHO format), organization chart, work plan, job description
  • A vehicle will be put at the consultant disposal for the duration of the field work.
  • A field officer will be seconded to the consultant for the duration of the field work.
  • All existing documentation will be shared with the consultant.
The assessment team is composed of a consultant, Solidarites program coordinator and food security program coordinator.


Level of study/specific qualifications/technical speciality:
  • Master’s degree or PhD in a relevant discipline, i.e. engineer in water and sanitation, sociology, Natural Resources management, or a related field.
  • Experience in working in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands areas in Northern Kenya
  • Demonstrated ability in the use of quantitative and qualitative methods including questionnaire design, survey techniques, and participatory approaches.
  • Knowledge about KAP surveys, waste disposal, hygiene promotion, water supply, sanitation system, etc…
  • Familiarity with the Logical Framework model for program planning.
  • Computer proficiency in word processing, database, spreadsheet and graphics presentations, including one or more of the following programs: Sphinx, Excel, Access.
  • A good working knowledge of emergency and development water and sanitation programming
  • Excellent communication and writing skills.
  • Demonstrated ability in collaborative/team work.
Others: No

  • Preparations: Preparatory meetings – briefing by Solidarites; acquisition and desk review of secondary data / information, scoping and preparation of tools for the needs assessment, meeting with NGOs operational in Turkana district: from 1st December – 7th December (7 days)
  • Fieldwork : Travel, visit to proposed project sites, meetings with the local stakeholders and debriefing of project team: from 8th – 14th December 2008 (7 days)
  • Data analysis, report writing, corrections, submission to the Contracting authority: (7 days) by 21st December
List The following documents will be given to the consultant in order to facilitate his work:
  • Annex 1: Budget of the assessment
  • Annex 2: Relevant maps
  • Annex 3: “guideline of initial diagnostic”
  • Annex 4: SOLIDARITES assessment report guideline
  • Annex 5: Example of concept paper

Please send you CV, cover letter, copies of testimonials, certificate of works, 3 contact references to rha2.solidarites @ The closing date for application for this post is 27th November 2008.

Please indicate the position you are applying for in the title of your email. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for tests and interviews.

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