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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Expression of Interest (EOI): Design, Development and Implementation of a Website and Intranet

The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA) is a public policy research Institute established with the main purpose of providing quality public policy advice to the Government of Kenya by conducting objective research and analysis and through capacity building in order to contribute to the achievement of national development goals.

In order to improve its presence and image online, the Institute is seeking the services of design, development and implementation of an interactive and dynamic website.

Interested ICT solution providers are invited to submit an Expression of Interest for the above services. The EOI must provide information indicating professional capabilities and experience to design, develop and implement a website and intranet for the Institute, hosting services and migration of data and information from the existing website.

As a minimum, interested firms MUST provide the following information:

  1. Company profile; history, contacts, products/services, etc
  2. CVs of at least 2 key managers and project managers
  3. CVs for technical staff, at least undergraduate level
  4. Official documents; Certificate of business registration, Certificate of incorporation (for Ltd company), Tax compliance certificate, VAT registration certificate and PIN Certificate. All these documents MUST be attached
  5. Demonstration of at least 4 (four) years' experience in implementation of similar systems
  6. Description of at least 4 (four) similar projects previously undertaken and references of the organizations together with contacts persons and URL for the websites
Proposals of EOI should be submitted in plain sealed envelopes, clearly marked "Design, Development and Implementation of a Website and Intranet"

Submissions should be placed in KIPPRA Tender Box located on 2"" Floor, Bishops Garden Towers, Bishops Road, Nairobi, or mailed to the address below so as to be received on or before 11th December 2008 at 12.00pm. Delivery through E-mail is not acceptable.

The Executive Director,
Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis (KIPPRA)
Bishops Garden Towers, 2nd floor, Bishops Road
P.O. Box 56445-00200, Nairobi
Tel 2719933, 2719934
Fax 2719951

email: admin @,


For further clarifications please contact KIPPRA IT Specialist.

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Tenders and EOI

Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008