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Saturday, November 22, 2008

Request for Proposal (RFP) for Provision and Implementation of a Sacco Management Information System: Embu Farmers Sacco

P.O. BOX 400-60100,

TEL: 068-30414; 30586


Request For Proposal (RFP): Provision And Implementation Of A Sacco Management Information System

Embu Farmers Sacco Society Ltd invites sealed proposals from eligible companies for the provision and implementation of a Sacco Management Information System (Software)

Interested eligible companies may obtain further information and the RFP document from Embu Farmers Sacco Head office – Emco Building 3rd Floor or through email:
embufarmers @

Duly completed RFP document in plain sealed envelope with “Request for Proposal - Sacco MIS” clearly indicated on the envelope should be addressed to:-

The General Manager,
Embu Farmers Sacco Society Ltd,
Emco Building-3rd Floor,
P.O. Box 400-60100,

So as to be received on or before 01st December 2008 at 11:00 am. Late proposals shall be rejected.

The Sacco reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal without giving reasons thereof and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any proposal.

Canvassing for the Request For Proposal by the company or by proxy shall lead to automatic disqualification of their proposal.

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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008