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Monday, November 17, 2008

Del Monte Kenya Security Jobs and Careers

Del Monte Kenya Limited wishes to fill existing positions in its Security Section. The individuals will join a high achieving management team, and the positions offer good career prospects and succession management.

The ideal candidates will report to the Security Manager and should posses the following qualifications:-


Reporting to the Security Manager, the person will be required to have the following:-

Essential Requirements

  1. Graduates in BA (Social Sciences/Humanities) from recognised institutions.
  2. Aged between 28 - 35 years of age
  3. At least 3-5 years experience preferably in reputable security firms.

Reporting to the Security Officer, the person will be required to have the following:-

Essential Requirements
  1. Diploma in Business Management or its equivalent.
  2. Aged between 28 - 35 years of age
  3. At least 10 years experience preferably in security firms.
Other Requirements for both positions
  1. Have proof of Investigation skills.
  2. Duly licensed to drive and has considerable driving experience of over 3 years.
  3. Good writing and communication skills.
  4. Ability to interact with external security agencies.
  5. Resilient and pro-active
  6. Computer skills.
If you believe you fit the required profile, please apply in confidence to the addresses below by Friday 28th November, 2008 providing a curriculum vitae that contains details of your qualifications, experience, present position, current remuneration, day and evening telephone numbers, e-mail address and names and addresses of three referees.

The Human Resources Manager
Del Monte Kenya Limited
P 0 Box 147

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