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Saturday, August 21, 2010


Handicap International (HI) is a Non-governmental, humanitarian organization in Kenya with a focus on disability and inclusive development work in Nairobi, North Eastern, Rift valley and Dadaab refugee camps.
The HI programme in the Rift Valley, particularly Trans Nzoia district, includes an integrated HIV/AIDS program, Sexual Gender Based violence project, Diabetes (DEAR) project and, Counseling and Conflict Recovery project with disability as a cross -cutting theme in project implementation.  
HI Kitale is currently implementing a counseling and conflict recovery project in the larger Trans-Nzoia District, which comprise Trans Nzoia East, Trans-Nzoia West, and Kwanza Districts. The districts are cosmopolitan, inhabited by the Bukusu, Sabaoti, Ndorobo, Pokot, and Marakwet as the pre-dominant tribes. The area is frequented with conflicts linked to cattle rustling, insecurity due to availability and accessibility to small arms and light weapons, and traditional land conflicts. The situation was exacerbated by the 2007 post election violence triggered by the disputed general elections. HI intervention focused on three key areas; psychosocial support to survivors, inclusive community development and participation of youth and community in peace and conflict transformation activities.  
Through external technical consultancy support in 2008 and 2009, HI provided direction and set up framework for counseling, provided tools and trainings for the Counseling and Conflict Recovery Project team, teachers from affected schools, community focal persons and partners. The community focal persons were to mobilize communities for psychosocial support services. The training was based on appropriate strategy elaborated during previous missions of the same consultant dating back to 2008. In 2010, Counseling and Conflict Recovery focus on three key objectives: 
  1. To strengthen the provision of appropriate counseling services to affected
  2. Enhance community based structures towards peace building and conflict transformation.
  3. Support partnership for greater resources towards conflict resolution

To achieve the first objective, HI seeks the services of the Professional institution to support in the training of 20 community focal persons as community based counselors. The 20 participants will be drawn from 10 community focal persons trained in 2009 and other 10 community persons selected by community and coached by HI and local counselors. The institution will incorporate materials used in previous trainings into the training modules; share the final module for training with HI technical advisor for review before conducting the training.  
The aim of the engagement is to provide technical support to the Counseling and Conflict Recovery project on the component of psychosocial support services through training of 20 community focal persons as community based counselors 
  1. Existence of core and functional counselors to offer ‘first aid’ psychosocial support services to individuals, family, groups and referral for specialized cases.
  2. At least 80% of the trained community-based psychosocial counselors demonstrate good practice in client records and referrals, as evidenced by pre and post training assessment report.
  3. Plan of action developed by trainees for practice, mentorship and sustenance of the new skills and techniques.

5.1 Responsibilities of Consultant
The training institution will provide services in compliance with HI project objectives, and will liaise with the senior project officer, counselors, and field coordinator.  
The training institution will be expected to: 
    1. Prepare a comprehensive programme for training the community focal persons in four (4) modules of four (4) days each.
    2. Incorporate/integrate previous training materials used by HI into the training module to form training material.
    3. Select suitable training methodology for training of the community focal persons, taking into cognizant, disability issues, literacy, and gender and age diversity.
    4. Conduct training on basic counseling based on the programme, in 1 above.
    5. Provide handout materials to participants on the course during the training.
    6. Prepare and submit a preliminary report after each training session of one module (4 days) after each training, 5 working days after the training, final 3 hard copies and a soft copy of the final comprehensive training report showing assessment of capacity enhancement based on pre and post training assessment of the training, discussing achievements of the training activities, lessons learnt and recommendations for future action. The final report to be submitted 14 days after the last module.

5.2 Responsibilities of HI 
  • Share training materials from previous workshops with the institution for incorporation into the trained module
  • Mobilize the 20 community focal persons for the training based on set criteria that acknowledge community acceptability, interest, gender balance, disability, age and ethnic diversity.
  • Facilitate transport and accommodation for participants during the training, taking into cognizance the special needs for people with disability (sign language interpreter and guide).
  • Provide training materials to the participants
  • Provide payment to the institution through cheque in installments of four, 50% before and immediately on signing of the contract (submission of the training programme and methodology), and 50% within 14 days after successful training and submission of preliminary reports and final report combining all 4 module reports, reviewed by the senior project officer and approved by the Field Coordinator.

The training institution will develop a detailed programme, methodology and work plan that recognize participatory and capacity building approaches. Training materials used in previous workshop by HI technical person will be incorporated into the training materials and form part of the training material.  
The service is intended to build the capacity of community focal persons as community counselors and will require 4 modules of 4 days each from 30th August – November, 2010.  
The facilitator(s) should have:
  • Credible institution with qualified facilitators, minimum of first degree in psychology.
  • Minimum 5 years experience in training of counselors and particular community counselors
  • Ability to synthesis the various curriculums into one training guide for community counselors
  • Extensive knowledge and experience in facilitation of training of community persons using participatory approaches, to ensure relevance to local community and meet the needs of the community.
  • Disability background/skills will be an added advantage.

Application process
All interested parties are invited to submit a technical and financial proposal explaining their understanding of the TOR and how they intend to conduct the consultancy, a budget, an updated CV demonstrating how they are qualified to perform the services on or before 25th  August, 2010  .  Please send your details to email address:

The email subject line should be marked:  “Consultancy for training community based counselors in Trans-Nzoia district”

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