Assignment: Two year fellowship
The Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP) is a five year cooperative agreement implemented and managed by the Public Health
Institute (PHI) in partnership with the Harvard School of Public Health, Management Systems International, Tulane University
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. GHFP is supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
The goal of GHFP is to improve the effectiveness of USAID Population, Health and Nutrition programs by developing and increasing
capacity of health professionals in Washington, DC and overseas. This is accomplished through the recruitment, placement and
support of junior, mid and senior level health professionals; a diversity initiative focused on providing internship and mentoring
opportunities in international public health to underrepresented communities; and professional and organizational development
activities to bolster USAID’s ability to maximize results and strengthen its leadership role in global health.
President Obama launched the Global Health Initiative (GHI) in May 2009 as a six-year, $63 billion whole-of-government effort of
the USG to drive a more strategic and integrated approach to fighting diseases, improving health, and strengthening health systems
in developing countries by 2014. It represents an important opportunity to accelerate progress toward improved health by
optimizing USG resources, working with partner-country governments and civil society, and improving the effectiveness and
efficiency of health services in 80 countries. Building on the strengths of USG agencies, the GHI seeks to create and amplify
synergies for results particularly centered on seven guiding principles:
1. Implement a woman- and girl-centered approach
2. Increase impact through strategic coordination and integration
3. Strengthen and leverage key multilateral organizations, global health partnerships and private sector engagement
4. Encourage country ownership and invest in country-led plans
5. Build sustainability through health systems strengthening
6. Improve metrics, monitoring and evaluation
7. Promote research and innovation
USAID has established a small GHI Launch Team within its Global Health Bureau to operationalize the principles, vision, systems
and structures of the GHI by mobilizing the health and development expertise of USAID and facilitating whole-of-government
engagement in the GHI.
Within the GHI Launch Team, the role of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Advisor (the Advisor) is critical to the success of
the GHI. The Advisor coordinates and position USAID efforts to fulfill the GHI core principle of “improved metrics, monitoring and
evaluation.” S/he presents the unique and exciting challenge of leading GHI stakeholders to set expectations for results,
identifies meaningful parameters, creates efficient and cost-effective approaches to track these parameters, and ensures that
information feeds back into GHI implementation and builds knowledge. The Advisor works to establish clarity in a fast-moving
environment with a high degree of uncertainty and many interested parties. The questions that the Advisor addresses include
fundamental issues such as what it means to implement a woman- and girl-centered approach and how GHI will know if/when it is
successful. In addition, the Advisor works to ensure that the GHI itself is assessed to determine its effectiveness as a model for
whole-of-government implementation.
The Advisor is the M&E expert within the USAID GHI Launch Team, providing leadership and expertise on all aspects of GHI M&E
policies and practices. The Advisor fosters a culture of evaluation within the GHI; leads the development of the GHI M&E plan and
M&E learning agenda, including identification (or development, where needed) of indicators and targets for measuring, monitoring,
and evaluating the implementation of the GHI principles and their contributions to the achievement of the GHI health goals. S/he
oversees implementation of this M&E plan, with a particular focus on cross-country evaluation studies; provides direct technical
support, and recommends other technical assistance resources (both inside and outside the USG), to GHI Plus countries for the
design and implementation of country-specific evaluation studies. The Advisor reviews evaluation findings, conclusions, and
recommendations from multi-country and country-specific studies, helps ensure their dissemination, and identifies and disseminates
M&E best practices.
S/he provides this efforts in a participatory and inclusive manner. In carrying out these responsibilities, s/he establishes,
nurtures, and maintains strong working relationships with a wide range of players with varied perspectives. These players include,
but are not limited to, other members of the GHI Launch Team, as well as M&E and other staff of USAID’s Bureau for Global Health
and Regional Bureaus; M&E leadership and staff in USAID’s Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning; USG teams in the GHI
countries; headquarters staff of other USG agencies involved in the GHI; M&E staff within other donor organizations, and M&E
thought leaders in the health and development communities.
Specific responsibilities include:
• Together with USAID’s Director of Evaluation, Policy Analysis and Learning, represents USAID on the Interagency M&E
Working Group, contributing technical expertise to discussions and the preparation of Working Group deliverables
• Provides expert input into the design and development phases of GHI M&E Learning Agenda, including development of
guidance to USG field teams
• Coordinates design of GHI cross-country evaluation protocols
• Advises USG teams on design and implementation of country-specific evaluation studies
• Together with GH and Regional Bureau staff, serves as a technical resource to USAID missions in the development of GHI
strategic plans and performance monitoring plans
• Establishes fora/mechanisms for information sharing, participation, and feedback on GHI M&E issues within USAID/W and with
USAID field staff
• Develops and guides implementation of knowledge management/knowledge sharing processes for broad dissemination of GHI
evaluation findings, conclusions, recommendations and best practices
• Presents GHI M&E issues in interAgency fora
• Presents M&E issues with relevance to the GHI in international fora
Other tasks or responsibilities may be assigned based on (a) organizational and programming need and/or (b) the Technical
Advisor’s own interests.
• Master’s degree in public health or related field
• Minimum ten years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation with at least three years’ experience in an
international/resource poor setting
• Knowledge of the theories, principles, and methods of public health evaluation in the context of international development
and their application in resource-poor settings
• Demonstrated leadership of the development and implementation of an M&E process for an effort of similar magnitude
• Demonstrated familiarity with technical and developing country content in GHI areas of focus
• Ability to provide advice, guidance, and consultation to officials on the interpretation and application of completed
• Demonstrated knowledge of information technology and its application to performance monitoring and evaluation
• Demonstrated flexibility and openness in responding to changing work priorities and environment
• Strong interpersonal communication and writing skills
• Ability to work with diverse teams and cross-culturally
• High degree of judgment, maturity, ingenuity and originality to interpret strategy, to analyze, develop and present work
results, and to monitor and evaluate implementation of programs
• Willingness to travel internationally
• US Citizenship required
SALARY AND BENEFITS Salary will be based on commensurate experience and earnings history. The Public Health Institute offers a
comprehensive benefits package including professional development programs
TO APPLY All applicants are required to apply for this position through GHFP’s online recruitment system at , which allows you to store your CV, profile and bio data form in our database. A separate cover
letter describing your qualifications and experience, interest and familiarity with issues relating to this position, and how this
position relates to your career goals is required for each application. All online applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm
Eastern Time September 7, 2010.
We are proud to be an affirmative action employer.
Assignment: Two year fellowship
The Global Health Fellows Program (GHFP) is a five year cooperative agreement implemented and managed by the Public Health
Institute (PHI) in partnership with the Harvard School of Public Health, Management Systems International, Tulane University
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. GHFP is supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
The goal of GHFP is to improve the effectiveness of USAID Population, Health and Nutrition programs by developing and increasing
capacity of health professionals in Washington, DC and overseas. This is accomplished through the recruitment, placement and
support of junior, mid and senior level health professionals; a diversity initiative focused on providing internship and mentoring
opportunities in international public health to underrepresented communities; and professional and organizational development
activities to bolster USAID’s ability to maximize results and strengthen its leadership role in global health.
President Obama launched the Global Health Initiative (GHI) in May 2009 as a six-year, $63 billion whole-of-government effort of
the USG to drive a more strategic and integrated approach to fighting diseases, improving health, and strengthening health systems
in developing countries by 2014. It represents an important opportunity to accelerate progress toward improved health by
optimizing USG resources, working with partner-country governments and civil society, and improving the effectiveness and
efficiency of health services in 80 countries. Building on the strengths of USG agencies, the GHI seeks to create and amplify
synergies for results particularly centered on seven guiding principles:
1. Implement a woman- and girl-centered approach
2. Increase impact through strategic coordination and integration
3. Strengthen and leverage key multilateral organizations, global health partnerships and private sector engagement
4. Encourage country ownership and invest in country-led plans
5. Build sustainability through health systems strengthening
6. Improve metrics, monitoring and evaluation
7. Promote research and innovation
USAID has established a small GHI Launch Team within its Global Health Bureau to operationalize the principles, vision, systems
and structures of the GHI by mobilizing the health and development expertise of USAID and facilitating whole-of-government
engagement in the GHI.
Within the GHI Launch Team, the role of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Advisor (the Advisor) is critical to the success of
the GHI. The Advisor coordinates and position USAID efforts to fulfill the GHI core principle of “improved metrics, monitoring and
evaluation.” S/he presents the unique and exciting challenge of leading GHI stakeholders to set expectations for results,
identifies meaningful parameters, creates efficient and cost-effective approaches to track these parameters, and ensures that
information feeds back into GHI implementation and builds knowledge. The Advisor works to establish clarity in a fast-moving
environment with a high degree of uncertainty and many interested parties. The questions that the Advisor addresses include
fundamental issues such as what it means to implement a woman- and girl-centered approach and how GHI will know if/when it is
successful. In addition, the Advisor works to ensure that the GHI itself is assessed to determine its effectiveness as a model for
whole-of-government implementation.
The Advisor is the M&E expert within the USAID GHI Launch Team, providing leadership and expertise on all aspects of GHI M&E
policies and practices. The Advisor fosters a culture of evaluation within the GHI; leads the development of the GHI M&E plan and
M&E learning agenda, including identification (or development, where needed) of indicators and targets for measuring, monitoring,
and evaluating the implementation of the GHI principles and their contributions to the achievement of the GHI health goals. S/he
oversees implementation of this M&E plan, with a particular focus on cross-country evaluation studies; provides direct technical
support, and recommends other technical assistance resources (both inside and outside the USG), to GHI Plus countries for the
design and implementation of country-specific evaluation studies. The Advisor reviews evaluation findings, conclusions, and
recommendations from multi-country and country-specific studies, helps ensure their dissemination, and identifies and disseminates
M&E best practices.
S/he provides this efforts in a participatory and inclusive manner. In carrying out these responsibilities, s/he establishes,
nurtures, and maintains strong working relationships with a wide range of players with varied perspectives. These players include,
but are not limited to, other members of the GHI Launch Team, as well as M&E and other staff of USAID’s Bureau for Global Health
and Regional Bureaus; M&E leadership and staff in USAID’s Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning; USG teams in the GHI
countries; headquarters staff of other USG agencies involved in the GHI; M&E staff within other donor organizations, and M&E
thought leaders in the health and development communities.
Specific responsibilities include:
• Together with USAID’s Director of Evaluation, Policy Analysis and Learning, represents USAID on the Interagency M&E
Working Group, contributing technical expertise to discussions and the preparation of Working Group deliverables
• Provides expert input into the design and development phases of GHI M&E Learning Agenda, including development of
guidance to USG field teams
• Coordinates design of GHI cross-country evaluation protocols
• Advises USG teams on design and implementation of country-specific evaluation studies
• Together with GH and Regional Bureau staff, serves as a technical resource to USAID missions in the development of GHI
strategic plans and performance monitoring plans
• Establishes fora/mechanisms for information sharing, participation, and feedback on GHI M&E issues within USAID/W and with
USAID field staff
• Develops and guides implementation of knowledge management/knowledge sharing processes for broad dissemination of GHI
evaluation findings, conclusions, recommendations and best practices
• Presents GHI M&E issues in interAgency fora
• Presents M&E issues with relevance to the GHI in international fora
Other tasks or responsibilities may be assigned based on (a) organizational and programming need and/or (b) the Technical
Advisor’s own interests.
• Master’s degree in public health or related field
• Minimum ten years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation with at least three years’ experience in an
international/resource poor setting
• Knowledge of the theories, principles, and methods of public health evaluation in the context of international development
and their application in resource-poor settings
• Demonstrated leadership of the development and implementation of an M&E process for an effort of similar magnitude
• Demonstrated familiarity with technical and developing country content in GHI areas of focus
• Ability to provide advice, guidance, and consultation to officials on the interpretation and application of completed
• Demonstrated knowledge of information technology and its application to performance monitoring and evaluation
• Demonstrated flexibility and openness in responding to changing work priorities and environment
• Strong interpersonal communication and writing skills
• Ability to work with diverse teams and cross-culturally
• High degree of judgment, maturity, ingenuity and originality to interpret strategy, to analyze, develop and present work
results, and to monitor and evaluate implementation of programs
• Willingness to travel internationally
• US Citizenship required
SALARY AND BENEFITS Salary will be based on commensurate experience and earnings history. The Public Health Institute offers a
comprehensive benefits package including professional development programs
TO APPLY All applicants are required to apply for this position through GHFP’s online recruitment system at
letter describing your qualifications and experience, interest and familiarity with issues relating to this position, and how this
position relates to your career goals is required for each application. All online applications must be submitted by 5:00 pm
Eastern Time September 7, 2010.
We are proud to be an affirmative action employer.