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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Project Officer, CRiSIP and Social Business

Job Title:        Project Officer, CRiSIP and Social Business
Duty station:  PONT office, Meatu,

Job Summary:

ICS Africa is a part of Dutch child development organization International Child Support which has its region Office in Nairobi. The Organization implements its programmes through her offices in Northern Tanzania and Western Kenya and with partners in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. The Programme Office in Northern Tanzania currently works in one district: Meatu in Shinyanga region.
The project officer position is community development related. The officer shall be responsible to facilitate and coordinate organization of activities in the target programme areas including over seeing implementation of projects. Will mobilize stakeholders in the programme areas to participate and support ICS programs.

The project officer will report directly to the Programme officer/Programme Office Coordinator. S/he will be in charge of the activities undertaken in the programme areas. Expected to support cluster committees and school management committees to come up with work plans for the intended activities. From time to time the officer will liaise with the programs officer/POC for smooth implementations of planned activities. Shall be responsible to ensure schools through clusters have correct plans for implementation to improve teaching and learning environment for teachers and children. S/he will be in charge of social Busines activities implemented currently in 5 villages in Meatu district.

The position is a full time job at the programme office level with frequent visits to program areas, partner/clusters and sister organizations.ICS offices in Kenya and Uganda.

Key Areas of Responsibility Overall  Technical advice provision;
·        Provide programmatic support to school management and cluster committees to plan, implement and monitor prioritized plans.
·        Guide cluster/schools on proper documentation and information sharing.
·        Responsible for projects monitoring and evaluation.
·        Support community groups of solar and Grain Storage Scheme  by training and facilitate participation within the programme.
·        Facilitate community groups to come up with new ideas of initiated small projects within their areas using available resources.

Partnership, Networking and advocacy;
·        Establish and enhance linkages between Cluster and School Management Committees and other stakeholders in CRiSIP.
·        Facilitate linkage of solar and GSS groups with other possible partners at the district, regional and national levels i.e National Microfinance bank etc
·        Link CRiSiP clusters and SB programme with  the government line ministries and other actors.
·        Identify and support possible local  partnerships in the program areas for Clusters GSS and solar groups.
·        Facilitate the inclusion of cluster plans and SB groups into district development plan for sustaibaility purposes.
·        Create a platform within the programme area for information sharing and networking.

Development of communication items
·        Prepare quarterly/ monthly activity plans.
·        Documentation and sharing of success stories and best practices for both CRiSIP and SB programmes.
·        Preparing monthly activity reports.

Resource mobilization
·        Guiding school management,cluster committees and SB groups on concept notes and proposal writing.
·        Contribute/enrich project proposals by clusters, SB groups and at programme levels.
·        Mobilizing communities and other stakeholders to identify local and available resources to support their various development interventions.
·        Identify, Link clusters, schools and SB groups  to resource mobilization opportunities at Ward,district,and nationallevels.

Project (cycle) management
·        Participate in monthly, quarterly  and planning meeting
·        Managing activity budgets and ensuring timely financial returns.
·        Organizing disbursement of activity support grants to clusters and schools.
·        Facilitate and coordinate planned cluster activities and other interventions within program areas.
·        Organizing workshops, program events and exchange learning visits to other partner organizations.
·        Monitor and support the implementation of SB groups, cluster plans and SIPs.
·        Review implementation plans by clusters and SB groups.
·        Monitor, support and guide clusters and SB commetties on saving information and methods.
·        Monitor and assess the SB programme outputs at school level i.e membership, # social and financial enterprises
·        Participate in identifying and support activities in schools that enhances meaningful child participation in decision making.
·        Organizing for Linking and learning visits: inter-cluster visits, inter-school visits,  or  other programmes for best practice learning..
·        Evaluate programmes and recommend on the way forward.

Staff management
·        Supervising interns/temporary staff.
·        Holding brief in the absence of programs officer.

Financial administration
·        Preparation of annual project activity budgets.
·        Proper utilization of approved budgets.
·        Timely financial requisitions and accountability of funds.
·        Review of program budgets.
·        Review cluster and SB groups budgets and plans.
·        Identify financial administration needs and provide support.
·        Review groups saving, budgeting, and banking processes for support.
·        Working in liaison with finance and operation department.
Profile of successful candidate
·        University  Degree/diploma in community development.
Minimum experience of five years in community development work.
Core competences
·        A team player with vast community experience.
·        Strong communication, organization and interpersonal skills, flexible and adaptive to community working environment with ability to work under minimal supervision.
·        Knowledge and understanding of programme trends.
·        Have proficiency in Computer applications.
·        Be of high integrity with non criminal record.

How to apply:

Send your application including a cover letter indicating your desire to work with ICS and indicate on top of the envelop or Email subject  ‘APPLICATION FOR PROJECT OFFICER’; a   detailed   CV   highlighting   relevant  experience,   details   of   current  and  expected   salary,   a
daytime   phone   contact,   email   address,  and  the  names  of  three  professional   referees  by
close of business Friday 3rd September 2010.

International Child Support
P O Box 156, Meatu, Shinyanga


International Child Support
P O Box 13892 – 00800 Nairobi

Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Please note that we do not charge fees 
for receiving or processing job applications.

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