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Thursday, August 26, 2010

ACORD (Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development) Regional Programme Officer - HIV and AIDS Mainstreaming Job Vacancy

Job Summary: Regional Programme Officer - HIV and AIDS Mainstreaming

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Contract duration: Initially one year with possibility of extension!!

ACORD (Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development) is a Pan-Atrican Organisation working for Social Justice and Development in 17 countries in Africa.

The ACORD Programming Strategy is organised around four (4) themes: 
  • Livelihoods with emphasis on Food Sovereignty;
  • Conflict;
  • Gender and other forms of discrimination; and
  • HIV & AIDS.
The Thematic objective for HIV&AIDS is to: Promote learning, strengthen capacity and develop effective partnerships so as to influence thinking, policies and practices on HIV and AIDS.

ACORD has been one of the partners of Oxfam who has since 2002 been implementing with its partners a regional HIV&AIDS mainstreaming programme called - JOHMET (Joint Oxfam HIV&AIDS Mainstreaming in East and Central Africa Team) that oversees the programme implementation in five targeted countries: Burundi, DR Congo, Rwanda. Tanzania and Uganda.

ACORD has been handed over management of the Regional Mainstreaming programme (JOHMET) by Oxfam and seeks to recruit a Regional Programme officer to manage the programme.

The Regional Programme Officer will be responsible for the overall management of the regional HIV & AIDS mainstreaming programme and contribute to the overall ACORD HIV and AIDS theme.

S/he will provide technical support to the Project Officers, affiliates and partners in each of the five countries. Travel is expected to take 25-50% of the time.

S/he will coordinate information flow among partners and other actors, and review, document and disseminate lessons learned and best practices, including publications.

Other responsibilities include supporting advocacy around HIV&AIDS, Livelihoods and Hard to Reach Communities at all levels, and promoting alliance building and networking among the Oxfam Affiliates and other HIV&AIDS actors.

The position of Regional Programme Officer - HIV &AIDS Mainstreaming is a senior position and is classified in the category of National positions.

It is managed by ACORD under the ACORD's terms and conditions.

The main requirements for the position are as follows: 

Education/Qualification and Experience
  • University degree in Public Health, Social Sciences or Development, Masters would be an added advantage;
  • Five (5) years work experience in the field of HIV&AIDS Mainstreaming with an International Non-Government Organisation (INGO) at Management level;
  • Excellent understanding of HIV&AIDS issues at the level of Policy influence on the Pan-African scene;
  • Strong experience in programme management, strategic planning and policy formulation;
  • Experience in popular mobilisation, policy advocacy and lobbying at Pan-African and International levels;
  • Bilingual (English-French) spoken and written is an essential requirement for this position.
Other Competencies
  • High level of analytical, conceptual, and strategic thinking;
  • Excellent communication (written and oral). Public Relations skills, and stakeholder relations
  • Highly conversant with Civil Society and Social Movement approaches on HIV&AIDS work at Pan-African level:
  • Strong Leadership skills; Strategic analysis and decision-making;
  • Ability to work well in a multicultural environment;
  • Highly motivated, responsible, self-directed, resourceful and flexible;
  • Collaboration and Team Work;
  • Problem solving skills; Creativity and Innovation;
  • Partnerships and Negotiation skills;
  • Ability to manage workload and meet deadlines.
Prospective applicants should send their CV's to no later than 27th August 2010.

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