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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hope for Victoria Children (HOVIC) Request for Expression of Interest: Strategic Review Consultancy

Hope for Victoria Children (HOVIC) is a Non Governmental Organisation that supports and empowers vulnerable community members especially Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) and youth self-help groups in identification and utilisation of resources geared towards alleviating poverty and protecting their rights and environment in which they live.
At its inception, the focus was on addressing the urgent need, namely to provide relief and welfare services to Street Children of all ages in Kisumu City. This was quickly achieved and the programme stepped up to delivering a coordinated targeted intervention to mitigate the impact of poverty on very vulnerable street children.
HOVIC has received support from Comic Relief through Widows and Orphans International (UK), Kenya Orphans Project, Tools with a Mission and many individual donors around the world. HOVIC has grown as an organisation benefiting an increasing number of OVC in its project area in Kisumu City.
In order to be relevant and generate greater and lasting benefit to OVC, it is necessary to review HOVIC’s overall approach to work including collaboration with the relevant authorities. This review will include HOVIC taking stock of where it is and where it wants to be in the future consolidating its growth and scope.
HOVIC needs to evaluate the work that has been done to date. Thus WOI/HOVIC and the funders feel a strategic reflection process and development of a robust plan for taking HOVIC through a (necessary) change process will enable HOVIC to reach its next level of growth, bringing long term lasting change in children’s lives.
The tasks therefore include the programme evaluation, organisation review and strategic planning with outputs of various reports.
HOVIC is therefore looking for a Consultant and co-consultants to engage. The team members must have proven projects evaluation experience and must have at least a Masters degree in Social Sciences or development-related studies.
The lead consultant will have at least 5 years experience in OVC programming at a senior level, as well as experience in evaluating dynamic OVC projects. The consultants will be experts in OVC programming including OVC care and support interventions, Civil Society Organisation’s (CSO) engagement and capacity building strategies.
In addition, the consultants will have proven knowledge of local OVC programming context at both community and national levels.
Other skills necessary include:
  1. Quantitative and qualitative research methods
  2. Program analysis, evaluation and study design
  3. Organizational development and systems strengthening
  4. Data analysis, presentation and report writing skills
Interested and qualified consultants are requested to submit electronic copies of an expression of interest, CVs of the consultants, capability statements, three electronic copies similar pieces of work, contacts for three independent referees (which should be organisations you have worked with or for in similar capacities as the proposed work).
Please also include your expected daily rate range in US$ and any additional charges.
Send copies of the application materials to all the following three emails:
Email:,, by 6th September 2010.

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