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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Kenya Institute of Social Work (KISW) Job Vacancies

Kenya Institute of Social Work, the leading institution in Social Work and Community Development in Kenya is seeking applications to fill the following positions.

Lecturer - Business/Statistics

An Education Degree in Business Administration and Statistics
A minimum of 2 years teaching experience
Lecturer - Information Communication Technology

A Degree in ICT
A minimum of 2 years teaching experience
Knowledge of SPSS
Knowledge of LAN
Programming and Website design
Skills in Data Base Management & Construction
Lecturer - Project Management

A Degree in Project Management
A minimum of 2 years teaching experience
Skills in proposal writing and fundraising
Applicants should submit a detailed CV and copies of relevant certificates.

The Principal, Kenya Institute of Social Work,
NACICO Plaza 6th Floor, P.O. Box 57961 - 00200,
Tel. 317995/2248637/2249362, Fax: 2247539,
Cell: 0734 201972/ 0724 772878 Nairobi.

Closing Date is 26th November, 2010

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