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Saturday, January 3, 2009



1. Background:

As part of the Joint Programme the UN in collaboration with TACAIDS provides technical support to NACOPHA to strengthen its secretariat by placement of national UNVs. NACOPHA is facing a significant challenge in coordinating the networks of PLHIV at national and district level, and to ensure that PLHIV speak with one voice.

UNDP, in collaboration with UNV Office, is seeking to recruit a National United Nations Volunteer (NUNV) Programme Officer on HIV/AIDS to provide technical assistance and support to the National Council of PLHIV (NACOPHA) in respect of programme development, planning, budgeting, implementation, institutional management and administration. The incumbent will be based in Dar es Salaam, reporting directly to the NACOPHA Board through its Chairperson.

2. Some of the duties and responsibilities:

  • Programme development, project planning and budgeting and day-to-day management and administration of NACOPHA, support resources mobilization initiatives in support of NACOPHA strategies and programmes through advocacy with Government (TACAIDS) and development partners including the UN.
  • Support NACOPHA Council Board members in providing coordination support to networks of PLHIV at national, regional and district level, support planning and organization of NACOPHA Board meetings, provide technical support in developing programmes and annual action plans and budgets for support.
3. Qualifications and Experience:
  • A Degree in Social sciences or Management and Administration or Public health, with at least 3 years experience of work in HIV/AIDS in the public sector, Local Government or an international NGO or institution, good technical knowledge of the HIV and AIDS epidemic, strong report writing, presentation and facilitation skills, computer literacy, excellent spoken and written English and Kiswahili.

· Commitment to the values and principles of the UN Volunteers. Note: Being a UN Volunteer is based on individual engagement and solidarity. This is not a remunerated position; UN Volunteers are offered a Living Allowance to cover essential living expenses for self and family.

4. Mode of Applications:

Qualified Tanzanians should send applications, attaching most current CVs, certificate photocopies and testimonials to: UNV Programme Office, P.O. Box 9182 Dar es Salaam, latest by 16 January 2009. Remember to indicate the title of the post on the envelope. Applicants are strongly advised to visit our website: to access detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) of the post. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

Terms of Reference for National United Nations Volunteers to Support Community Capacity Enhancement for HIV and AIDS

PROJECT: HIV&AIDS Community Capacity Enhancement (UN Joint Programme on AIDS 00053501)

TITLE OF POST: National United Nations Volunteer

POSITION: Programme Officer on HIV/AIDs

DUTY STATION: Dar es Salaam


UNDP Tanzania is a Managing Agent for the UN Joint Programme on HIV and AIDS. This Joint Programme brings together the contributions of all UN Agencies (in the spirit of Delivering as One) in support of the national response against HIV/AIDS in Tanzania. The UN works closely with the Tanzanian Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS) and provides it with support to lead and coordinate the national response, according to the National Multisectoral Strategic Framework (NMSF) for Tanzania mainland. It also works with MDAs, Civil Society Organisations, networks of PLHIV, Religious organizations and the private sector in the broad-based fight against HIV&AIDS.

As part of the Joint Programme the UN in collaboration with TACAIDS provides technical support to NACOPHA to strengthen its secretariat by placement of national UNVs. NACOPHA is facing a significant challenge in coordinating the networks of PLHIV at national and district level, and to ensure that PLHIV speak with one voice.

Job description:

The National United Nations Volunteer (NUNV) to be known as National Programme Officer on HIV/AIDS is intended to provide technical assistance and support to the National Council of PLHIV (NACOPHA) in Tanzania mainland in respect of programme development, planning, budgeting, implementation, institutional management and administration.

A. Job Purpose:

The national UNV Programme Officer is responsible for providing technical support and competence strengthening to NACOPHA, its governing Board/Council and the respective networks of PLHIV.

B. Key/Main Responsibilities:

i. Planning

ü Collaborate with NACOPHA Board members and leaders of PLHIV networks in programme development, project planning and budgeting and day to day management and administration of NACOPHA.

ü Support resources mobilization initiatives in support of NACOPHA strategies and programmes through advocacy with Government (TACAIDS) and development partners including the UN

ü Support NACOPHA in the development of the monitoring indicators for HIV/AIDS planned interventions.

ü Support NACOPHA in preparation of regular implementation reports, and sharing of reports with relevant institutions.

ii. Coordination

ü Support NACOPHA Council Board members in providing coordination support to networks of PLHIV at national, regional and district level

ü Support planning and organization of NACOPHA Board meetings, documentation and execution of proceedings as provided in the Constitution

ü Work with networks of PLHIV (constituency members) in facilitating the collection, documentation of best practices and lessons and sharing of HIV/AIDS information.

iii. Technical Support

ü In close collaboration with NACOPHA Board members and leaders of networks of PLHIV, provide technical support in developing programmes and annual action plans and budgets for support,

ü Assist in resources mobilization process for support of agreed programmes/projects, linking these initiatives to the NMSF developed by TACAIDS

ü Support implementation of agreed and approved activities

ü Provide support to implement monitoring plan to capture information for reporting to relevant parties.

iv. Training

ü Participate as a facilitator/trainer in the planning and management of training requirements.

ü Facilitate the training of constituency members on mainstreaming of human rights and gender into HIV/AIDS programmes.

ü Arrange for NACOPHA members to attend training workshops and conferences on leadership development, governance and institutional management

v. Reporting Relationship

The NUNV Programme Officer will report to NACOPHA Board through its Chairman

vi. Required Qualifications
  • A University graduate with a Degree in Social sciences or Management and Administration or Public health
  • At least three years experience of work in HIV/AIDS in the public sector, Local Government or an international NGO or institution
  • Good technical knowledge of the HIV and AIDS epidemic
  • Demonstrated capacity to lobby and persuade others
  • Strong report writing skills
  • Strong presentation and facilitation skills
  • Proven ability to work in a team and a demanding environment
  • Excellent spoken and written English and Kiswahili

· Commitment to the values and principles of the UN Volunteers

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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008