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Monday, January 5, 2009

Peace Building Officer in the Reintegration and Development Centre (RDC)

The Reintegration and Development Centre Magwi County is an institution of Magwi County, Southern Sudan, run by the office of the Commissioner in collaboration with DED (German Development Service) Sudan.

The Reintegration and Development Centre (RDC) is meant to be an umbrella structure in cooperation with the county, under which different reintegration programmes are coordinated and implemented.

The Reintegration and Development Centre Magwi County is currently seeking to employ one staff as Peace Building Officer.

Duties and responsibilities

· Establish Peace Building Department in RDC Magwi County for promotion of peace and constructive management, especially with respect of return to Magwi County of IDPs, refugees and other persons as well as ex-combatants

· Carry out a Peace and Conflict Assessments for the RDC Magwi County in collaboration with the DED Peace Advisor

· Offer advice and support for the RDC on conflict sensitive approaches to project management and continued Peace & Conflict Impact Assessment (PCIA) for RDC projects

· Set up of conflict monitoring systems and networks on the payam and county level

· Set up a database on conflict baseline studies on the Payam level in co-operation with international agencies/ organizations and local government institutions

· cooperate with other organisations and institutions of local government working in the field of peace capacity building, networking of peace actors, and providing resources on conflict transformation and peace building

· contribute to the establishment of centres of information and communication between the peace departments of other RDCs and with institutions who are involved in constructive management of conflict and conflict sensitive project management in areas from which returnees come

· Build local capacities in constructive conflict management within the RDC in collaboration with the DED Peace Advisor and staff of the other RDC departments.

· Plan and implement projects for the promotion of peace and constructive management of conflict

· Fund raising to promote small projects and institutional development in the field of peace building and constructive management of conflict in Magwi County

· Monitoring, evaluation and documentation of projects

· Accounting and reporting

· Public relation work about the activities of the RDC peace building department of RDC Magwi County


· University degree or its equivalent in social sciences

· Good experience in management and peace building activities

· ability to write concise analytical reports, excellent report writing skills (in English)

· Excellent organizational capacity; familiarity with civil society organizations and non-state actors

· Excellent inter-personal and communication skills

· Ability to grasp the ethnic complexity of the Sudanese communities

· Computer knowledge (word, excel) with knowledge to use internet

· Demonstrated initiative, perseverance and self starter.

Deadline and procedures of recruitment

All the interested candidates should submit their application together with their CVs and photocopies of the documents of eligibility to either

Ø The Executive Director of Magwi County

Ø The Magwi County Commissioner’s Office in Magwi

Ø The Peace & Conflict Advisor DED Juba per email: OR

Ø The Civil Peace Service Office of DED Juba, Hay Cinema (next to Bishop Gwyne College in Juba)

until the 15th of January, 2008, noon time.

Note that only the short listed candidates will be contacted and invited for an interview.

We would like to explicitly encourage female candidates to apply.

The successful candidates will be asked to provide original documents for processing the appointment.

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