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Friday, January 2, 2009

Consulting Services of a Project Development Facility (PDF) Manager: Water Services Trust Fund (WSTF)

Water Services Trust Fund (WSTF) Seeks Consulting Services of a Project Development Facility (PDF) Manager

Expression Of Interest

The Water Services Trust Fund has received grant funding from PPIAF-SNTA (a funding window within World Bank) to set up a Project Development Facility (PDF).

The PDF will be released to eligible Community Water Projects (CWPs) as a partial grant to enable the Community Water Project (CWP) to engage the services of a Support Organisation ( SO) for the purposes of developing a bankable loan application for the expansion, improvement or development of the water schemes.

The PDF is to support the implementation of an innovative credit-based finance product that uses an output-based aid (OBA) approach that has been designed and piloted by the World Bank managed Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) based in Kenya to leverage co-financing from a private commercial microfinance bank, K-Rep Bank.

The objective of the program is to increase the sustainability and finding predictability of Community Water Projects (CWPs).

The WSTF now invites eligible consulting firms to express interest in providing the required services to support the WSTF in the management of the Project Development Facility ( PDF). Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services.

The scope of Work

The scope of work includes but not limited to the following main tasks:
  • Provide support to WSTF in managing the PDF grant facility: The PDF Manager will support WSTF to make the necessary arrangements between WSTF and the MF Bank, and to monitor disbursements and progress of the PDF grant facility.
  • On behalf of WSTF, provide monitoring of the SO Proposal Preparation Contracts: A standard SO contract has been prepared and will be used in most cases. Exceptional cases will require a customized SO contract which will be prepared by K-Rep Bank in consultation with WSB and approved by the PDF Manager.
  • Assist the WSBs and CWPs in procurement of a competent SO for each CWP. The PDF Manager is required to monitor, and where needed advise on, the arrangements of the WSBs and CWPs in vetting and procuring suitable SOs.
  • Assist WSTF and WSBs in monitoring performance of the SO. The PDF Manager will review and secure M & E systems in regard to SO performance.
  • Assist WSTF building the capacity of SOs to develop bankable project proposals. The PDF manager will support WSTF and WSBs to enhance SO capacity building activities with respect to the OBA//MF program.
  • Provide WSTF with Quarterly Monitoring Reports. The Monitoring Report will be based on a synthesis of information from MF Bank, SO and CWP reports, and consultations and field visits with the project partners.
  • Assist WSTF in troubleshooting in regard to the OBA Program. The PDF manager is required to support WSTF on any matter that arises in regard to the smooth implementation of the OBA Program.
  • Provide monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of the CWPs.
The Expression of Interest (EOI) documents should demonstrate the following competencies and requirements:

  • Capacity to implement the Terms of References (TOR) copies of which are available from the Water Services Trust Fund;
  • A Proposed Team of at least three staff each with at least 10 years relevant professional experience.
  • Curriculum Vitae of the Proposed Team to be included. Specifically;-
i) Civil Engineer experienced in the water and sanitation services,

ii) Socio- Economist,

iii) Financial Specialist.

  • Relevant knowledge and experience covering: program management, monitoring and evaluations systems, financial management, micro-finance with an emphasis on group based lending mechanism, procurement, contract management, systems auditing, environmental impacts assessments, water resource assessments and management, water supply engineering, assessment and capacity development of community based organisations, and the Community Project Cycle (CPC) funding process;
  • Valid professional indemnity of sufficient cover for the assignment;
General Information
  1. Provision of the services is expected to commence in 1st February 2009.
  2. The project managers will be selected in accordance with the.procedures set out in the Water Services Trust Fund and Public procurement guidelines for National Competitive Bidding:
  3. Interested firms are required to obtain additional information on the assignment including the TOR from the address indicated here below from Monday 5th January 2009 from 8.30 AM to 5.00.PM working days only.
  4. Packages containing the Expression of Interest should be clearly marked with the statement: "Expression of Interest: - Provision of Services for PDF Manager"
  5. Expression of interest must be delivered to the address below not later than Wednesday 14th January 2009 at 12.00pm
  6. Canvasing or lobbying for pre-qualification shall lead to automatic disqualification.
The Chief Executive Officer
Water Services Trust Fund
13t Floor CIC Plaza, Mara Road
P.O Box 49699 - 00100,
Nairobi, Kenya

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