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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Agricultural Land in Taveta for Sale


Approximately 1000 five acre plots remaining and on offer for sale of fertile agricultural land (Eldoro - Mrabani Taveta District)

Plots carved out of existing 999 years Leasehold Titles and only available in minimum size of five acres and thereafter in multiples of (lots) of five acres.

Land sold for agricultural use

Professionally planned sub-division catering for roads, public utilities like schools, health facilities, markets etc.

Property served by an extensive water canal system from the Njoro Kubwa Springs.

Buyers to pay 50% of the purchase price by bankers cheque drawn in the name of Agricultural Finance Corporation and Wekesa & Company Advocates and then sign the Agreement for Sale.

Sales are on first pay first basis.

Plots go for Kshs. 60,000/= per acre where full payment is received in 60 days,

Kshs. 65,000/= where payment is received in 90 days from date of agreement for sale.

Agricultural Finance Corporation will give partial discharges and vacant possession where full payment has been received.

AFC will have a liason Officer at Taveta.

Interested buyers who have paid booking fees are advised to immediately pay the 50% deposit and sigh the Agreement for Sale and failing which they will be reimbursed their booking fee.

Buyers to contact the advocates undertaking the transaction on behalf of the Vendor at the following address;

Wekesa & Company Advocates
Ack Garden House
Wing C, 2nd Floor
1st Ngong Avenue
Off Bishop Road
P.O. Box 10299-00100
Tel: 2730039/40, 0723-096671, 0738-573756 Fax:2730038
Tel: 0738-573756

Wekesa & Company Advocates
C/O Taveta Sisal Farm
Head Office
Tel: 0738-573756

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