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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Rwanda Development Board-Information Technology Re-Advertisement Telecommunication Advisory Services Individual Consultancy

Rwanda Development Board (RDB) - Information Technology Re-Advertisement

Telecommunication Advisory Services Individual Consultancy

Contact Number: RDB/IT/RCIP/IC/S/20/2009

Introduction and Background

The Government of Rwanda is embarking on an ambitious project to provide country wide telecommunications connectivity.

In addition to its own resources, the Government has requested World Bank assistance to participate in a regional program, the Regional Communications Infrastructure Program -Rwanda Project (RCIP-Rwanda)

The Project is being implemented by the Rwanda Development Board- Information Technology (RDB/IT) based in Kigali, Rwanda.

Objectives and Key Results Expected

The objective of this Consultancy is to provide technical telecommunications advisory services to the RDB and RCIP-Rwanda technical and management teams on the design and implementation of connectivity contracts to be tendered and implemented under the Project.

The major output of the assignment will be the draft technical specifications of the connectivity supply contracts under the Project.

In addition, the Consultant will provide on-going advisory support and advice to the RDB and RCIP Rwanda management teams throughout the assignment

Scope of Work

The Telecom Consultant will work closely with RDB but will principally report to the RCIP-Rwanda Coordinator.

The Telecom Consultant will have the following duties:

1. Review of regional and international market and advise RDB and RCIP-Rwanda Management.

  1. Review and advise on developments in the submarine fiber-optic cables being developed along the East coast of Africa, including: capacity, likely schedule for coming into service, services offered, onward/backhaul connectivity arrangements, regional connectivity arrangements, structure or supply contracts, prices and other technical and financial aspects.
  2. Review and advise on current market developments in the East African region, including:
  • Analysis of current market structure in Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya and Burundi.
  • Assessment of all operators and major ISPs operating in these markets.
  • Assessment of market developments over the next five years, including new entrants, likely changes to legal and license regimes, new ser¬vices and price trends, etc.
  • Analysis of regional and international price trends.
2. Financial analysis
  • Develop financial model to estimate likely cost of long-term connectivity supply contract.
3. Analysis and recommendation of technical and contractual options.
  • The Consultant will review all of the technical network options for delivering the outcomes of the project. This will include (but is not limited to) the following:
  1. Possible routes to connect Kigali to the submarine landing stations, including considerations of route security redundancy.
  2. Existing and planned technology, including quality of service.
  • The Consultant will advise the RDB and RCIP-Rwanda teams on the design of connectivity supply contracts. This will include (but is not limited to):
  1. Basic connectivity supply contract structure (both international and national connectivity)
  2. Specification of services to be provided including onward connectivity, teleport services etc.
  • Quality of service specifications
  • Additional provisions regarding construction of new networks
  • Contract enforcement mechanisms
  • Payment structures
  • Penalty mechanisms
In carrying out this task, the consultant will familiarize themselves with World Bank procurement guidelines and procedures and ensure that their recommendations are consistent with these guidelines and procedures.

4. Draft technical specifications for supply contract
  • The consultant will prepare a draft of the technical specifications to be included in the long-term international connectivity supply contract to be tendered by the government.
5. On-going advisory support
  • The consultant will provide on-going advisory support to the RCIP-Rwanda team throughout the assignment. This includes all topics relating to the design, supply, usage and management of bandwidth connectivity supply.
  • Wherever required, assist in the evaluation of tenders for the provision of connectivity
  • Provide technical guidance throughout the implementation of the connectivity supply contracts
  • Recommend a framework for capacity building in the area of bandwidth management.
And any other areas of advice which the government of Rwanda may specify


All the deliverables shall conform to the standards to be agreed prior to the commencement of work.

The Consultant will travel to Rwanda on at least 4 occasions spread over a period of 1 year and will be required to stay in Rwanda for at least 3 weeks during each visit.

During the first visit, the Consultant will produce the following output:

a. Inception report and PowerPoint presentation outlining the detailed implementation plan, detailed roles, responsibilities and activities of each Party based on mutual agreement, acceptance procedures, and implementation management monitoring framework. The report and presentation are to be submitted at the end of the first week of the first visit.

b. First draft of the technical specifications to be included in the connectivity supply tender documents. This output will be submitted at the end of the first visit.

At the end of each of the second and third visits, the Consultant will produce and submit the following output:

a. Interim Report summarizing technical telecom advisory services undertaken including advice provided, technical specifications developed or modified, tender evaluation activities and results if any as well as management procedures and processes.

b. A summary of connectivity supply acceptance test activities and results.

In addition to the above, the Consultant will provide weekly progress reports to the Lead Technical Manager during each visit.

At the end of each visit, the Consultant will also prepare a PowerPoint presentation where he/she will provide recommendations on all the issues mentioned under Scope of Work.

Reporting Requirements
  • The consultant will report to the RCIP-Rwanda Lead Technical Manager throughout the assignment.
Qualifications and Competences
  • Successful applicants will have either a BS or an MS in Telecommunications, Business Administration, Finance, Economics, or a related field from an internationally recognized university.
  • The applicant will have at least 10 years of professional experience in telecommunications, at least 3 of which must have been directly involved in international telecoms.
  • The applicant must have worked on and negotiated international telecoms capacity supply contracts for a telecom operator or ISP.
  • The applicant must have knowledge of terrestrial fiber-optic network design and construction.
  • The applicant will preferably have some experience of working in Africa and preferably have some knowledge of the telecommunications market in East Africa.
  • The applicant shall provide a brief summary of proven experience and capabilities in related assignments.
  • The applicant must have strong managerial and communication skills and a record of achieving results and must be fluent in English with a working knowledge of French.
The applicant should also have proven skills in:
  • Management and leadership
  • Planning and organizing
The applicant should have demonstrated ability to:
  • Advise management on technical subjects
  • Deliver completed and fully specified outputs
  • a team player that motivates and educates other team members
  • Set and manage priorities
  • Relate to all levels of the stakeholder and end-user community
Duration of the Assignment

The assignment is expected to be for a total period of 12 weeks, spread over a period of 2 years.

This will include at-least 4 periodic visits to Rwanda, each of which should last up to 18 days and another 12 days spread over the assignment period for offsite advice either on emails or phone as well as Skype calls.

The visits will be made on request of the RCIPRW Project and in agreement with the consultant.

Responsibilities of the Client and the Consultant

The Consultant will be based in Rwanda for approximately 72 days of the assignment. All the costs for travel to and from Kigali will be borne by the RCIPR-Rwanda Project while the Consultant's living expenses while in Kigali will be the consultant responsibilities.

In addition, visits to each of the countries in the region (esp. Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania) will be required.

The consultant will be expected to meet all of the significant operators and ISPs in the regional market plus representatives of the submarine cables and major capacity resellers.

The consultant will make a total of four flights in the neighboring countries. He will be expected to make these visits accompanied by one or more of the RCIP-Rwanda Project team members.

All travel, hotel and living expenses while on assignment in Rwanda WHEN traveling to the above mentioned countries will be the responsibility of the Consultant.

The Client will introduce the Consultant to the some stakeholders and he will be expected to make additional contacts on his own

The Consultant will be fully responsible for the assignment including but not limited to logistical facilitation.

How to apply

Interested and qualified persons should submit their application letters accompanied by certificate copies of relevant certificates together with Curriculum Vitae (CV) in English at the Following address:

Rwanda Development Board/Information Tech nology (IT)
Attn: RCIPRW Lead Technical Manager
RDB office Block, 4th Floor
P.O.BOX 6239

Email: wilson.muyenzi @

CC: bids @

Deadline Date and Time

Application letters must be received at the address indicated above by 1600hrs Rwanda time on Monday 21st December, 2009 clearly marked "Telecommunication Advisory Services Individual Consultancy"

Done at Kigali on,
Patrick Nyirishema
Rwanda Development Board/IT

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