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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Nile Basin Initiative Terms of Reference for Joint Coordination Unit of the Bugesera Natural Region Rural Infrastructure Support Project

Nile Basin Initiative/Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program/NELSAP

Terms of Reference for Joint Coordination Unit of the Bugesera Natural Region Rural Infrastructure Support Project

A. Background

The governments of Rwanda and Burundi have agreed to design the "Bugesera Natural Region Rural Infrastructure Support Project" (PAIRB) funded by the African Development Bank for a total project cost estimated at 26,340 UCM 30 Million RWF or 55,185 million of BUR

The Bugesera Natural Region Rural Infrastructure Support Project (PAIR Bugesera) has the overall objective to contribute to reducing poverty in its area of intervention. Its specific objective is to improve food security in the Bugesera region through increased agricultural production.

The activities of PAIR begin in 2010 and spread over a period of 6 years. The intervention area of the Project is the border area between Rwanda and Burundi and particularly around the lakes Rweru, Cyohoha and marshes Akanyaru common to both countries and their watersheds.

An agreement for the implementation of the project was signed by the two countries dated July 22, 2009 and approved by the Bank.

This agreement specifies the structure for the implementation of the project as follows:
  1. Joint Project Coordination Unit (JPCU)
  2. A Regional Project Steering Committee (RPSC)
  3. Two national project implementation cells
  4. Two National Project Steering Committees (NPSC).
The Government of Rwanda and Burundi have requested the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program (NELSAP) based on its mandate to support NEL countries initiatives on transboundary water resources, to facilitate the recruitment of the regional staff of the Project who will work under the Joint Project Coordination Unit.

B. Available Positions

1. Project Coordinator

Key responsibilities and Scope of Work

The Project Coordinator of the Joint Project Coordination Unit will provide overall coordination for the implementation of the Project.

Her/his functions and responsibilities will include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Under the supervision of the RPSC, serve as the head of the JPCU to provide overall support to the project and ensure the project coordination in order to reach a synchronized implementation of all project components in the two countries.
  • Manage project resources with the Finance officer and ensure that annual audits are conducted and reports timely sent to the RPSC and the Bank.
  • Provide the overall leadership, management, and technical direction to ensure the achievement of project objectives and performance indicators on annual basis and provide required propositions and recommendations to the RPSC to improve project implementation, ensure the quality and timeliness of project work, fiduciary management; effective human and financial resource allocation, and accurate project reporting.
  • Monitor project progress, submit quarterly reports and work plans to the RPSC and to the Bank, in accordance with the Bank's rules and the financing agreements.
  • Ensure effective liaison with national institutions, particularly the national agriculture institutions participating in the project implementation, and other similar projects in the region and with development partners.
  • Organize RPSC meetings, prepare minutes and implement agreed recommendations/decisions.
  • Prepare terms of reference for the studies linked to the project, audit, and training plans, adhering to the required approval processes and participate in recruitment of the consultants.
  • Supervise project staff, as well as the work of international/regional consultants, ensuring effective resource allocation and the quality and timeliness of work.
Qualifications and experience
  • The Project Manager shall have a Masters Degree or engineering degree in rural infrastructure or agro-economy. Post graduate training in project management
  • will be an added advantage.
  • At least 10 years experience in a management of agriculture projects at national or regional levels involving financing from development partners and/or multi-national projects. 5 of the years should have been spent in managerial position in Government or reputable national or regional organization.
  • Strong management and leadership skills, including ability to provide strategic guidance, technical oversight, mentor staff, develop work plans, and manage budgets and project expenditures.
  • Excellent negotiation, multi-cultural and inter-personal skills, with experience and demonstrated skills in net working with ministry-level partners, decentralized institutions and donors.
  • Working experience of procedures of international financing institutions is desirable. Experience and knowledge of African Development Bank and World Bank procedures will be an added advantage.
  • Excellent written, presentation, and reporting skills are required.
  • Demonstrated computing skills related to project management,
  • He/she should be fluent in French or English. Working knowledge of the other language is an added advantage,
  • Experience working in the Nile Basin countries, particularly in Rwanda or in Burundi is preferred.
2. Project Accountant

Key responsibilities and Scope of Work

The Project Accountant shall be directly reported to the Project Co-ordinator.

The functions and responsibilities for the post-holder will include the following amongst others:
  • Provide advice and support the Project Coordinator on all finance matters, including procurement and logistics issues.
  • Ensure compliance with ADB financial, regulations and procedures.
  • Establish and operationalize financial management functions at the JPCU.
  • Imputation of accurate accounting records in the appropriate accounts, credit is to be printed on a specific charge to keep track records
  • Establish and maintain a common, computerized financial management/accounting system at the Project Coordination Unit that is in compliance with and consistence with ADB.
  • Verify, analysis accounting records and monitoring registration of accounting records for eligible expenditures submitted by the two national units by the end of each month.
  • Verify, analysis accounting records and monitoring the registration of accounting records of mission expenses and filing of mission records. Reimbursement of travel expenses must be recorded as resources or compensation.
  • Monitor, analyze and operationalize the financial transactions through a computerized financial environment.
  • In consultation with the Project Coordinator, design and prepare project cost projections for the year's expenditures in order to make accurate delivery projections and realistic budgets.
  • Maintain financial records and accounts in a format and manner accepted by the International Accounting Standards (IASs) and International Public Sector Accouting Standards (IPSASs).
  • Prepare, produce and submit monthly, quarterly and annual accounts and reports to the Project Coordinator and to the RPSC in an acceptable format/ design.
  • Establish a semi-annual and annual balance sheet according to the bank TOR, and conduct physical inventory of the credit and capital participation in the preparation of periodic financial reports and budgets during each mission of the bank
  • Participation in the preparation of records of disbursement requests addressed to the Bank Initiate the process for procurement of an external auditor and ensure that the procured auditor is enabled to carry out proper examination of the project, accounts and systems in the two countries participating in the project.
  • Respond to all observations that are raised by external auditors for better management of the project and for strengthening internal control systems.
  • Maintain proper assets/stores inventory, filing and recording systems, logistics and operations of the project.
  • Any other duties that may be assigned to him/her by the Project Coordinator.
Qualifications and experience

The appropriate candidate shall meet the following qualifications and experience requirements:
  • University degree in finance, accounting, business administration or related field.
  • Possession of professional or post graduate qualifications will be an added advantage
  • Efficient and up-to-date computer knowledge in all MS and window-based applications including excel, word and at least one relevant accounting soft ware.
  • Excellent oral and written in French or English. Working knowledge in the other language will be an added advantage.
3. Project Monitoring and Evaluation Expert

Key responsibilities and Scope of Work

The Project Monitoring and Evaluation Expert shall be directly re¬ported to the Project Manager for all functions and duties of the project.

The functions and responsibilities for the post-holder will include the following amongst others:
  • Elaborate a Monitoring and Evaluation system (logframe matrix, particularly in the areas of the objective hierarchy, indicators and monitoring mechanisms)
  • With the support of the Project staff, prepare the M&E plan on annual basis and establish an office structure for M&E coordination.
  • In collaboration with the accountant, provide the project coordinator with management information that she/he may require.
  • Guide the process for identifying and designing the key indicators for each project component, to record and report physical progress and steer the process for designing the format of such progress reports.
  • Guide the process for identifying the key performance questions and parameters for monitoring project performance and comparing it to targets. Design the format for such performance reports
  • Ensure the business of the project is conducted in an efficient manner by monitoring project implementation and reporting to the Coordinator and the RPSC. Undertake regular visits to the field to support implementation of M&E plan, review monitoring reports, analyze them for impact evaluation and to identify the causes of potential bottlenecks in project implementation.
  • Submit required analytical reports on progress - including indications of planned actions and financial statements - on time to the Coordinator and the RPSC, with assistance from national cells of the Project.
  • Develop a plan for project-related capacity-building on M&E and organize training in M&E skills, including participatory aspects
Qualifications and experience

The appropriate candidate shall meet the following qualifications and experience requirements:
  • University degree in project management or related field.
  • Possession of professional or post graduate qualifications will be an added advantage
  • At least five years of working experience in project monitoring and evaluation in an international/donor organization or public (government) sector with practical knowledge of M&E methods and approaches, solid un derstanding of rural development, on participatory processes, joint management, and gender issues;
  • Efficient and up-to-date computer knowledge in all MS and window-based applications including excel, word and MS Projects.
  • Excellent oral and written in French or English. Working knowledge in the other language will be an added advantage.
4. Administrative Assistant

Basic Function

The basic function is to support the Joint Coordination Unit to ensure proper and effective operations. The appointment for the position is for one year renewable based on performance with six (6) months probation period.

S/he will report to the Coordinator on a day to day basis.

Specific Duties
  • Manage incoming and outgoing mail, telephone calls and keep an appropriate filing system;
  • Screening of all in-coming and out-going correspondence, extracting information regarding documents; visitors, missions and meetings
  • Filing and maintaining up to-date project files
  • Drafting correspondences for the Project Coordinator;
  • Reception and directing visitors to the appropriate staff;
  • Support staff in project based work
  • Making petty cash payments and maintaining proper records;
  • Follow up and keep records of project cars repair and maintenance;
  • Preparing requisition for office needs and receiving goods delivered;
  • Carrying out general secretarial duties such as organizing the office and creating conducive working environment;
  • Assisting with managing travel and logistics for the project, consultants and other project related activities
  • Keeping and maintaining a project phone and mail directory
  • Translate correspondence and other necessary document in French and English
  • Any other duty as assigned by the Supervisor.
Qualifications and experience
  • At least Diploma hi secretarial studies or administration, Human resources or related field;
  • At least 3 years experience within a similar environment
  • A good command of standard software's such as Word, Excel, Access and power point;
  • Willingness to take initiatives if necessary;
  • Willingness to work for extended hours to meet strict deadlines
  • Excellent oral and written in French or English. Working knowledge in the other language will be an added advantage.
C. Nature and Duration of Appointment

All the four positions are Regional Positions and the staff will be based at the PJCU in Bugesera, Rwanda.

The Project Coordinator, the Accountant and the Monitoring and Evaluation Expert shall be required to travel extensively in the two countries in accordance with Program needs and funding availability.

Contract duration will be of 1 year with a possibility of annual extensions to the end of the project (6 years), based on performance, need of services, availability of funds with a 6-month probation period.

AfDB offers a competitive salary package commensurate with the qualifications and experience.

D. Recruitment

The positions will be recruited competitively based on advertisement in local and regional newspapers. The position is open to candidate from the two Nile Basin countries participating in the project. Women candidates are encouraged to apply.

Interested applicants are invited to send a cover letter and full CV including date of birth and nationality no later than December 21st, 2009 5 p.m, to the following email address: nelcu @ or to the following mail address:

iNyota House,
Boulevard de 1'Umuganda, Kacyiru
P. O. Box 6759
Kigali, Rwanda

Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

Only candidates that are short-listed for interviews will be notified.

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