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Monday, December 28, 2009

Government Jobs Kenya

Republic of Kenya

Terms of Reference

Secretary of the National Cohesion and Integration Commission


The violence that erupted in Kenya following the December 2007 elections brought into the front deep-seated issues and divisions in Kenya. It threatened the existence of the nation as a unified nation-state and threatened to divide the country into ethno-regional blocks.

The African Union quickly stepped in to help save the situation and a Panel of Eminent African.

Personalities chaired by Mr. Koffi Annan was set up. It is under the guidance of this team that temporary political arrangements; by way of enactment of the National Accord and Reconciliation Act 2008 were made.

The Act brought to end the political crisis and saved the country from classification as a failed state.

However if there was to be sustainable peace, stability and justice in Kenya, then poverty, inequitable distribution of resources and perceptions of historical injustices and exclusion on the part of segments of Kenya Society had to be addressed.

Discussions around dealing with these deep rooted issues formed the basis of the discussions under Agenda Item Four. And consolidating national cohesion and unity forms the core of the discussions under Agenda 4.

The National Cohesion and Integration Act establishes the Commission (hereinafter NCIC) in September 2009 the President appointed nine (9) persons to the Commission among them a Chairperson and eight Commissioners.

The Commissioners elected a Vice Chairperson from among themselves. In order to meet the terms of reference the NCIC has developed a work plan constituting key tasks that must be accomplished.

Overview of Responsibilities:

The Secretary to the Commission's primary responsibility is to lead the day to day administration of the Commission.

While the Commissioners formulate the Commission's proposed goals, strategies, and objectives and oversee management performance and compensation, the Secretary keeps the Commissioners informed of the Commission's progress towards its goals.

Specific Responsibilities

Specifically, the Secretary is responsible for exercising leadership in the following areas:
  • Lead and manage the Commission within parameters established by the Commissioners.
  • Review and report regularly to the Commissioners concerning the Commission's progress towards its goals and all material deviations from the goals, strategies, and objectives approved by the Commissioners including updating and making changes as required.
  • Implement the operating plans that support the strategic plan.
  • Review and report regularly to the Commissioner on the overall progress and results against operating and financial objectives and initiate courses of action for improvement.
  • Identify the principal risks of the Commission's mandate and implement appropriate systems to manage these risks.
  • Keep the Commissioner's fully informed of all significant operational, financial, and other matters relevant to the Commission, including legal, regulatory, and governmental policy developments.
Financial Leadership
  • Develop annual capital commitment and expenditure budgets for approval by the Commissioners.
  • Develop annual operating forecasts of revenue, expenditures, operational results, and financial performance.
  • Authorize the commitment of funds to projects included in budgets approved by the Commissioners.
  • Authorize commitment of corporate resources, including contracts, transactions and arrangements in the ordinary course of business, in order to pursue the approved strategies, and objectives of the Commission, provided, however, that major commitments, exposures, and risks are reported to the Commissioners in a regular and timely basis.
  • Take reasonable steps to ensure that the Commission's assets are adequately safeguarded and optimized.
Administrative Leadership
  • Develop and maintain a sound, effective organizational structure.
  • Ensure that all members of the organization have their responsibilities and authorities clearly established.
  • Discuss periodically with the Finance and Administration Committee views as to a successor in the event of the Secretary's unexpected incapacity.
  • Establish and maintain a plan for senior management development and succession.
  • Provide the Commission, at formal and committee meetings, with exposure to the Commission's key management and other employees who have the potential to become members of senior management.
Public Leadership
  • Ensure that effective communications and appropriate relationships are maintained with the stakeholders.
  • Maintain or cause to be maintained such industry, governmental, public, or other external relationships as are deemed advisable and in the interests of the Commission.
  • Manage and oversee the required interaction between the Commission and the public.
Compliance Leadership
  • Establish effective control and coordination mechanisms for all operations and activities, and take reasonable steps to ensure the integrity of the internal control and management information systems.
  • Take reasonable steps to ensure the safe, efficient operation of the Commission and to ensure compliance with the Commission's environmental, health, and safety policies, procedures, and practices.
  • Ensure that all operations and activities of the Commission are conducted in accordance with laws, regulations, the Commission's Code of Conduct and Ethics and the other policies and practices approved by the Commissioners.
  • Foster a high performance corporate culture that promotes- ethical practices and encourages individual integrity, accountability, and social responsibility.
Non-Exhaustive List

The foregoing list of duties is not exhaustive, and the Secretary may, in addition, perform such other functions as may be necessary or appropriate in the circumstances, within the authority delegated by the Commissioners, for the performance of the Secretary's responsibilities.

  • Masters degree in related field and/or at least 10 years senior managerial experience
  • Demonstrated managerial, administrative, financial, human resource and professional competency
Duration of Assignment
  • 3 year contract period

Please submit your applications by the 18th day of January 2010 addressed to:

The Chairman,
National Cohesion and Integration Commission,
Delta House, 4th Floor,
Westlands, Chiromo Road,
P.O. Box 7055- 00100
Nairobi, Kenya.

Applications should include a cover letter and a CV, indicating the details of current remuneration.

The National Cohesion and Integration Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer

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