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Monday, December 28, 2009

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Request for Consultancy: Kenya Committee of Experts (CoE) on Constitutional Review Consultancy Jobs

1.0: Background:

The Committee of Experts (CoE) on the Constitutional Review is an independent body established under the provisions of the Constitution of Kenya Review Act 20081. (The Review Act).

The core work of the CoE is to analyze the existing draft constitutions, identify contentious issues, invite proposals from Kenyans on what they think their solutions are on those and then publicize a harmonized draft constitution to be presented to a national referendum by March 2010

In pursuance of Section 6, 23 and 35 (1) of the Review Act, the CoE is mandated to facilitate CE in order to stimulate public discussion and awareness on constitutional issues.

As it developed its CE Strategy, the CoE was cognizant of the fact that there is general cynicism and apathy among Kenyans about the constitution review process mainly because of the history of constitution making in Kenya, and failure of governance structures to foster peace, economic growth and social harmony.

In view of this, the CoE intends to develop a simplified interactive CE Curriculum that will demystify constitutional issues and facilitate understanding, appreciation and effective public participation in the current review process.

The curriculum is intended for use by the CoE, CSOs partnering with CoE in delivering CE, CE facilitators, CE provincial and constituency coordinators and other actors identified for civic education by the CoE.

To achieve this, the CoE is looking for the following consultants.

2. Consultancy Titles & Brief descriptions of TORs

I) Content Developer (Lead Consultant)

The Content developer, who will also be the lead consultant, will be responsible for generating content for a set of 3 publications that will be used for CE.

These are:
  • Handbook for Civic Education
  • Curriculum
  • Manual for Civic Education Providers
II) Message Developer

The message developer, will be responsible for generating captivating messages from the content that will appeal to the wider Kenyan audience for the curricula and IEC material.

The curricula are a set of 3 publications that will be used for CE.

These are:
  • Handbook for Civic Education on constitutional issues and harmonized Draft
  • Curriculum on constitutional issues and harmonized Draft
  • Manual for Civic Education Providers on constitutional issues and harmonized Draft
III) Illustrator

Duties will include development of appropriate illustrations / graphics that will be used in the CE Handbook, Curriculum and Facilitators Manual.

The illustrations will also be used for IEC material and publicity where applicable.

IV) Design & Layout Consultant (Graphic Design)

Duties will include preparation of typesetting and design layout of the following;
  • Handbook for CE on constitutional issues and harmonized Draft
  • Curriculum for CE on constitutional issues and harmonized Draft
  • Manual for CE Providers on constitutional issues and harmonized Draft
V) Translator from English to Kiswahili popular version of Harmonized Draft Constitution (Consultant)

Consultant shall translate the content of the following publications from English to Kiswahili:
  • Handbook for CE on constitutional issues and harmonized Draft
  • Curriculum for CE on constitutional issues and harmonized Draft
  • Manual for CE Providers on constitutional issues and harmonized Draft
3. Application process:

For the full Terms of Reference (ToR) and requirements please visit UNDP Kenya's Website:

The closing date for submissions is Tuesday, 5th January 2010 at 12.00 noon Kenya time.

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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008