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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Plan International Kenya Consultancy service for end-term evaluation of breaking barriers project


Plan is an international child-centered community development organization without political, religious or government affiliations. Child sponsorship is the basic foundation of the organization.


The overall purpose of the evaluation is to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies applied and the performance of Plan’s Breaking Barriers project interventions supported by USAID in respect to orphans and vulnerable children care, support, protection and the extent to which these have contributed to sustainable provision of quality OVC programming in specific communities and sites in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia.

Scope and Coverage

The scope of the evaluation will include comprehensive literature review of project documents.

Data collection both qualitative and quantitative is targeting 1200 respondents in line with terms of reference for the evaluation.

In Kenya, the consultancy will cover Interreligious Council of Kenya, Pandipieri in Kisumu, Rangala in Siaya, Nyanza Provinces, St.John’s Community Centre, Interreligious Council of Kenya, Nairobi.

In Uganda area covered will mainly be Central and Eastern Uganda provinces while in Zambia the evaluation sites will be Mazabuka Southern Province and Chibombo in Central Zambia.

Terms of reference

The ToR will include assessment of the efficiency of implementation of breaking barrier project, relevance, impact, sustainability and recommendations.

Interested consultancy firms are requested to collect a copy of the full terms of reference (free of charge) at the address provided below or contact this e-mail below address: job.ireri @ or collect a copy of the TOR from Plan Kenya office at Dennis Pritt Road Opposite Silver Oak Kindergarten.


Plan Kenya invites eligible consulting firms or research institutions to forward their Expressions of Interest in providing these services during the 15/1/2010. The consulting firms are expected to submit a technical proposal and a financial proposal, separately.

The technical proposal should include an interpretation of the TOR, detailed methodology; elaborate work plan and Gantt chart.

The financial proposal should include a detailed budget proposal; proposed terms and schedule of payment; organizational capacity statement, past experience and activities related to the situation analysis; CVs for the consulting team; names, addresses, telephone numbers of three professional referees; detailed contact addresses and copy of registration certificate, VAT and PIN.

The consulting firm must have undertaken similar works in East and Southern Africa in the last four years and the team must be well-grounded in social science with excellent skills in research, design, monitoring and evaluation of rights based and child centered community development programs.

It must have proven experience in conducting participatory qualitative and quantitative assessments with superior literature review and analytical skills.

As an international child-centred development organisation, committed to the wellbeing of children and to supporting the Convention of the Rights of the Child, Plan does not tolerate child abuse.

Plan acknowledges that those who work with Plan have children’s best interests at the heart of their involvement with Plan. Engagement is therefore contingent on commitment to the Child Protection Policy.The consulting team will sign and adhere to Plan Kenya’s Child Protection Policy (CPP).

The completed expression of interest documents in writing must be delivered to the address below or deposited in the Tender Box situated at the Reception of Plan Kenya Country Office so as to be received on or before 15/1/2010 Kenyan. The expression of interest must be in blank sealed envelopes clearly marked ‘’TENDER FOR END TERM EVALUATION’’ and addressed to:

The Tender Board,
Plan International Kenya,
Dennis Pritt Road,
Opposite SilverOak Kindergarten,
P.O. Box 25196 – 00603, Lavington
Nairobi. Kenya.

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