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Friday, November 14, 2008

Sports Stadia Management Board Jobs and Careers

Sports Stadia Management Board is seeking talented, focused and dedicated professionals to take up the following positions:


Duties and Responsibilities:
Reporting to the Deputy Director Technical Services, the incumbent will be in charge of the Property services department and his/her duties and responsibilities shall entail:

  • Formulation of policies regarding utilization of the Board's properties
  • Coordinating the maintenance of all buildings i.e. mechanical and electrical
Required Skills and Qualifications:
  • Bachelors Degree in Land Economics or other degree from a recognized institution;
  • A Post Graduate Qualification in Land Economics or any other relevant field from a recognized institution
  • A minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience in valuation and estate management, facility and event management, buildings and assets maintenance, or property management in a reputable organization
  • Computer Knowledge
  • Have high integrity, motivated and team player with excellent interpersonal skills

The trainees will join the Board's Graduate Management Trainee program which is an 18 months intensive training program. The successful candidates will proceed to join the management pool and will be ready to take up any managerial assignments. Your letter of application should showcase your leadership abilities by highlighting those occasions where you have been in a leadership position.

Academic & Professional Qualifications
  • Recent graduates with 2nd class honours degree from a recognized institution
  • Have high integrity, team player with excellent interpersonal skills
  • Commercially minded and with problem solving skills
  • Self motivated, energetic and innovative
  • Excellent Computer skills.

Duties and Responsibilities: General secretarial and also administrative responsibilities.

Academic Qualifications:
  • Bachelor's degree in secretarial studies from a recognised institution
  • At least 3 years experience (credible/relevant) Excellent computer skills
  • Age 35 years and below
If you meet the above qualifications, send your application, CV copies of certificates and testimonials to

The CEO,
Sports Stadia Management Board,
P.O. Box Private Bag, Kasarani by Wednesday 28th November 2008.

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