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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

IAT Instructors Positions

Institute of Advanced Technology (IAT), a leading ICT a Business Training Institution in East, West & Central Africa is seeking to recruit ICT & Business Instructors


  • Attained Diploma with a minimum of credit in either IT or Business Studies
  • Must have a C in Mathematics
  • Must have a C+ in KC5E Aggregate
  • Should be between 20 and 26 years of age
The person must demonstrate:
  • Self motivation and strong desire to develop a career in IT/Business
  • Flexibility to work on weekends (Sat & Sun) and early morning hours
  • Ability to work under minimum supervision
Selected instructors will have the opportunity to join IAT's degree programme at an attractive subsidized rate.

Qualified applicants should deliver their application together with copies of their KCSE & Diploma certificates to any of our IAT Centres on or before 5.00 p.m, Friday, 21st November 2008 to:

HR Department,
Institute of Advanced Technology Symphony Place, Off Waiyaki Way, Westlands
P.O Box 14201 - 00800, Nairobi

Applicants should contact the HR Dept, Tel: 4455000/4441842 or 0725867519 on 26th & 27th November 2008 to find out if they have been short-listed.

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