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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


ActionAid International is active in over 45 countries in Africa, Asia, America and Europe regions in partnership with other organisations. ActionAid Kenya has been working in Kenya since 1972 to facilitate processes that eradicate poverty and ensure social justice through anti-poverty projects, local institutional capability building and public policy influencing. ActionAid Kenya works in 19 districts of Kenya and links key international, national and local institutions in favour of poor people.

ActionAid Kenya seeks to recruit a dynamic person to fill the following position:


We seek to give this learning opportunity to young people keen to develop their education or career in Communications and Public Relations arena for a period of 3 months. Based in Nairobi and reporting to the Communications Manager, you will be responsible for:-

Communications Unit

· Production of information materials for communications to external and internal audiences

· Web publishing and maintaining a data base of relevant ActionAid contacts

· Coordinating media exposure visits

· Writing articles for publication

· Editing/Proof reading articles and materials

· Liaising with designers and printers in the production of documents

· Collecting Stories and taking photographs (both still and video)

· Liaising with the media

· Administrative assistance to the Communications Unit as directed by the Communications Manager.

Skills and Competencies

This position requires:

* A recent graduate in Communications from a reputable university
* Computer, writing, editing, designing and publishing skills
* A team player with high integrity, excellent conceptual, communication and interpersonal skills.

If you possess the necessary qualifications and experience, send your application and detailed CV by Wednesday November 19th, 2008 to:

The Communications Officer, ActionAid International Kenya,


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