Our client, the Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA) is a public body created under the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005 to establish procedures for efficient public procurement and for the disposal of unserviceable, obsolete or surplus stores, assets and equipment by the public entities and to provide for other related matters such as ensuring that there is efficient, fair, competitive and transparent procedures in public procurement and for disposals by public entities.
PPOA wishes to recruit dynamic, honest and committed Kenyans to the following vacant positions.
1. Director - Technical Services
Ref: PPOA / D-TS
The selected candidate reports to the Director-General and is responsible for providing professional and technical guidance and direction on effective and efficient strategies for enhancing compliance to the Public Procurement and Disposal Act (PPDA), 2005 arid the Public Procurement and Disposal Regulations (PPDR), 2006.
The Ideal candidate should not be more than 55 years of age and should have at least five (5) years experience in related field three (3) of which should be at senior management and posses a Degree in Commerce, Economics, Procurement, Law or equivalent with professional qualification and experience in purchasing and supply, logistics or a related field and or law.
2. Director - Finance & Administration
Ref: PPOA / D-FA
The selected candidate will report to the Director-General and will be responsible for the development and maintenance of sound financial management procedures, initiate and review procurement policies, implementation of PPOA's strategic plan and advise on human resource management issues.
The ideal candidate should not be more than 55 years of age and should have at least five (5) years experience in finance, human resources or administration, three (3) of which should be in senior management and possess a Degree in Business Administration, Finance, Economics or relevant and equivalent qualifications.
An advanced degree and membership to professional body such as CFA, CPA (K), ACCA will be added advantage.
3. Manager-Levy Administration
Reporting to the Director, Finance and Administration, the selected candidate shall be responsible for overall development, implementation and review of levy framework including collection mechanisms, enforcement and sanctions.
The ideal candidate shall not be more than 55 years of age; with at least three (3) years experience in tax/levy collection and possess a minimum of a Degree in Business Administration, Finance, Mathematics, Economics, Statistics, Commerce or relevant and equivalent qualification.
4. Manager - Finance
Ref: PPOA / M-F
Reporting to the Director, Finance and Administration, the selected candidate shall be responsible for providing professional leadership and guidance in the development and delivery of high quality management support services in finance and accounting, including preparation of financial reports and routine accounting functions.
The ideal candidate shall not be more than 55 years of age and shall have at least three (3) years experience in finance, accounting, taxation policies or administration and possess a minimum of a Degree in Accounting and/or CPA, ACCA etc (K), and excellent computer proficiency.
5. Manager - Capacity Building
Ref: PPOA / M-CB
Reporting to the Director, Technical Services, the selected candidate shall be responsible for formulating, implementing, reviewing appropriate strategies to develop, promote and support the training and professional development of persons involved in public procurement.
The ideal candidate shall not be more than 55 years of age; with at least three (3) years relevant experience and possess a minimum of a Degree in Business Administration, Human Resources, Education or relevant and equivalent qualification. Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies is mandatory.
6. Manager / Secretary - Administrative Review Board (ARB) Secretariat
Reporting to the Director, Technical Services & ARB, the selected candidate shall be responsible for provision of administrative and technical support to the Public Procurement Administrative Review Board. In addition, the manager is the secretary to the ARB.
The ideal candidate shall not be more than 55 years of age; with at least three (3) years experience in law, law reforms, public procurement and regulations and possess a minimum of a Degree in Business Administration, Economics, Commerce, Engineering and Law. Professional qualification in procurement and supplies will be mandatory.
7. Manager - Information and Technology
Reporting to the Director General, the selected candidate shall be responsible for overall strategic direction in the planning, implementation and support of the Information and Communication Technology systems including business applications, operating systems, business tools, internet and intranet to support the Authority's business strategies.
The ideal candidate shall not be more than 55 years of age; with at least three (3) years experience in ICT field and possess a minimum of a Degree in Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Communications Technology and relevant or equivalent qualifications.
8. Manager - Corporate Services
Ref: PPOA / M-CS
Reporting to the Director General & ARB, the selected candidate shall be responsible for all corporate communications, protocol, custody of collaterals and property of the organization, advise on legal & regulatory matters.
The ideal candidate shall not be more than 55 years of age; with at least three (3) years experience in relevant and challenging work environment, possess a minimum of a Degree in Law from a recognized university, and be an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and a member of LSK. A CPS (K) or a related qualification will be an added advantage.
9. Manager - Internal Audit
Ref: PPOA / M-IA
Reporting to the Board Audit Committee, the selected candidate shall be responsible for the development and implementation of all audit programmes, including detailed attention to essential control systems.
The ideal candidate shall not be more than 55 years of age; with at least three (3) years relevant experience in audit management preferably in public entities and possess a minimum of a Degree in Business Administration, Finance, Accounting or relevant and equivalent qualification. Professional qualifications like CPA (K), ACCA will be mandatory.
10. Manager - Compliance
Ref: PPOA / M-C
Reporting to the Director, Technical Services, the selected candidate shall be responsible for developing and implementing strategies for monitoring, evaluation and smooth functioning of public procurement system with a view to ensure compliance to the PPDA 2005 AND PPDR 2006.
The ideal candidate shall not be more than 55 years of age; with at least three (3) years experience in procurement/financial reforms and possess a minimum of a Degree in Commerce, Economics/statistics, or relevant and equivalent qualification. Professional qualification in procurement, logistics or related field will be mandatory.
11. Manager - Policy and Research
Reporting to the Director, Technical Services, the selected candidate shall be responsible for interpretation, formulation and reviewing of policies, guidelines and procedures to facilitate smooth implementation of the PPDA 2005 PPDR and 2006.
The ideal candidate shall not be more than 55 years of age; with at least three (3) years experience in research & policy formulation, interpretation of laws and possess a minimum of a Degree in Commerce, economics/statistics, procurement, logistics or relevant and professional qualification in procurement, logistics or a related field. Diploma in Purchasing and Logistics will be mandatory.
12. Manager - Human Resources and Administration
Reporting to the Director, Finance and Administration, the selected candidate shall be responsible for effective management of human resources and Administration in the Authority including management of transport and public relations.
The ideal candidate shall not be more than 55 years of age; with at least three (3) years relevant experience in a senior Human Resource position and possess a minimum of a Degree in any Social Science, Human Resources or Management, in addition to a professional qualification in Human Resource Management will be required.
If you meet the above requirements and willing to negotiate competitive and attractive remuneration package, you may access additional information on our website: http://www.osanoassociates.com/ppoa/ - from where you may submit a completed registration, application and a brief CV according to the format specified on the website on or before 28th December 2009.
Osano & Associates
AMREF KCO Building,
Wilson Airport, Off Lang'ata Road,
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel. :+254-20-605821 / 31; 0721-930944
info@osanoassociates. com
Whereas Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA) is an equal opportunity employer, female candidates are encouraged to apply
Canvassing is strictly forbidden and will lead to automatic disqualification
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Public Procurement Oversight Authority (PPOA) Career Opportunities in Kenya
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