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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Provision of Consultancy Services for Comprehensive Collaborative Research on Cost-Effective Local and Foreign Building Materials and Technologies

Republic of Kenya
Ministry of Housing

Tender No.MOH/22/2009-10

Expression of Interest (EOI) For Provision of Consultancy Services for Comprehensive Collaborative Research on Cost-Effective Local and Foreign Building Materials and Technologies

Ministry of Housing is charged with the responsibility to facilitate access to adequate housing in sustainable human settlements including the management of the built-up environment.

One of the key functions of the Ministry is to address the high building costs by promoting collaborative research, development and utilization of Appropriate Building Materials and Technologies (ABMT).

This function had over many years been supported by Housing and Building Research Institute (HABRI) of the University of Nairobi which has since ceased operations. Other public and private institutions are involved in some form of ABMT research but in uncoordinated manner.

Ministry of Housing intends to design and implement a comprehensive collaborative research and development agenda. The agenda would seek to widen the range, enhance affordability and maximize utilization of location-specific local building materials and technologies.

It would also facilitate adoption of cost-effective foreign building materials and technologies that meets a clear technology transfer criteria. The programme shall be holistic and target all areas of the built up environment.

It will also endeavour to address the needs of all income groups but with special focus on the poor.

In this regard, Ministry of Housing seeks services of reputable research consultants with requisite full time technical and managerial capacity to interrogate the following areas:
  • Considering that in the past research has focussed on walling and roofing elements, which other areas/processes of the built-up environment need to be covered for a holistic research agenda?
  • How do the Building Code and Ministry of Public Works Current Construction Costs Handbook impact on ABMT? How can these be harmonised to ensure an effective ABMT programme?
  • How are ABMT impacted by Professional bodies, Local Authorities, Kenya Bureau of Standards and other key stakeholders? How can these be engaged for an effective ABMT programme?
  • How can the local stone deposits be exploited/processed/utilized in the most cost-effective manner?
  • Are there viable cement substitutes that can be developed in the country?
  • Burnt clay bricks are among the most popular traditional building materials in most parts of the country. Are there any environmentally and energy-efficient methods that could be adopted to burn them instead of wood?
  • Examine the disasters that affect the country and identify materials/technologies that would mitigate them.
  • Would application of ABMT in government projects enhance their utilization? How could this be actualized?
  • The cost of housing is a function of many factors including land, layout design, infrastructure design, unit designs, construction specifications and project administrative overheads. What linkages and initiatives need to be put in place in these areas to complement ABMT?
  • The ABMT currently available in the country are above the affordability levels of many Kenyans. Are there ABMT alternatives that can be developed for these people?
  • Given that poor workmanship is one of the major challenges facing ABMT, How could quality control and maintenance of standards be safeguarded?
  • The ABMT programme is anchored on the establishment of Constituency ABMT Centres all over the country. Is the plan viable and how can they be best managed?
  • How can the gap between research and industry be bridged?
The consultants will also be required to undertake the following:
  • Establish a suitable working definition and criteria for classifying a product/solution as ABMT
  • Conduct a baseline survey of ABMT in Kenya taking special cognisance of the needs of each region
  • Review the effectiveness of the existing ABMT programme in the light of global best practices
  • Undertake cost analysis of the existing ABMT to establish their cost-effectiveness in comparison with conventional alternatives and how they impact on housing cost
  • Assess the viability of converting various domestic, agricultural and industrial wastes available from different parts of the country into suitable building products
  • Identify how proven ABMT can be packaged to benefit entrepreneurs interested in setting up small, medium and large scale plants for making building materials and/or equipment
  • Design effective modalities for survey, research and development of location-specific and cost-effective local building materials and technologies in the country
  • Develop appropriate criteria for transfer and adoption of foreign technologies into the country
  • Guided by the Ministry’s mandate, design appropriate guidelines, strategies, networks, partnerships, collaboration and technical cooperation that need to be put in place to facilitate testing, evaluation, certification, technology transfer, training, dissemination, adoption, utilization of ABMT as well as access to affordable housing finance
  • Develop cost-effective house type-plans suitable for various parts of the country
  • Develop for implementation a sustainable and prioritised collaborative research programme that addresses various elements of the builtup environment and meets the needs of the different regions/areas of the country as well as income groups for presentation to a national stakeholders’ workshop
Interested research consultants are invited to submit written application giving their profile, supported by relevant certifications, experience, details of related services executed, their staff strength and relevant qualifications and a list of their clientele including brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.

Evaluation shall include presentation by the consultants to defend their submissions.

Consultants may associate/form consortiums to enhance their qualifications.

The most responsive consultants will be invited to tender for provision of consultancy services for all or any of the above listed research themes.

For more information please contact us at the address below during office hours 0800 to 1300 and 1400 to 1700 hours, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays.

Completed conceptual documents in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked “EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) FOR PROVISION OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR COMPREHENSIVE COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH ON COST-EFFECTIVE LOCAL AND FOREIGN BUILDING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES” should be delivered or submitted by electronic mail to the address below by 22nd December, 2009 at 1100 hours East African Time.

Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Housing
P. O. Box 30119 - 00100

Tel: +254 - 20 - 2718050 ext. 4219
Email: ps @

Expression of Interest documents will be opened on the same day at 1115 hours in the presence of bidders or their representatives who may wish to attend.

The Government reserves the right to accept or reject any expression of interest and is not bound to give reasons for its decision.

S. N. Mwenda
For: Permanent Secretary

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