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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Instructor III Job Vacancies

Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Vacancies

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Kenyans for the following vacancies.

Advert No. 7/2009
Vacancy: Instructor III
Job Group 'H' (82 posts)

Salary Scale: KShs.16,692 - KSahs.20,289 p.m.

Terms of Service: Permanent and Pensionable

Duties and Responsibilities

This is the entry grade in the technical Instructor cadre.

Duties and responsibilities at this level will involve demonstration to the students the various uses and operation of machines and equipment, independently or under the guidance of a senior officer and preparation of work sheets.

Requirements for Appointment

For appointment to this grade, a candidate must be in possession of :-
  • A minimum of five (5) years experience in performing instruction duties in the Civil Service on Job Group 'G' or within the wider public service/ community based institutions in any of the following disciplines:-
  1. Agriculture
  2. Information Technology Animal Science
  3. Food technology institutional management
  4. Leather technology/foot wear
  5. Refrigeration and air conditioning/or industrial plant engineering
  6. Building and construction or civil engineering
  7. Hairdressing and beauty therapy
  8. Mechanical Engineering
  9. Automotive engineering Electrical/Electronics
  • Be in possession of a Government Trade Test Certificate Grade I in any of the above mentioned disciplines and/or a technical teacher certificate; and
  • Show merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results.
In addition to the above requirements, an officer must have the following key competencies:
  • ability to take and execute instructions;
  • be a team player; and
  • be of high personal integrity.
Note: Those with Diploma in any of the above1 disciplines will have an added advantage.

Candidates are required to address their handwritten applications attaching copies of their National Identity Card together with relevant certificates and testimonials to the

Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports,
P.O Box 34303-00100,

so as to reach him not later than 8th January, 2010.

Applicants should specify which discipline they are applying for.

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