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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Commission for Higher Education (CHE) Request for Expression of Interest (EOI): Strategic Plan and HIV & AIDS Programmes and Initiatives Database

The Commission for Higher Education (CHE) is a state corporation established under the Universities Act (Cap.210B) of 1985 and mandated to make better provisions for the advancement and quality assurance of university education in Kenya and for connected purposes.

The Commission is committed to delivering first class service to all its clients.

The Commission invites Expression of Interest (EOI) from eligible consultants for the following proposals:

A. Development of a Strategic Plan for CHE (2010 – 2015)
Tender No: CHE/01/2009-2010

Terms of Reference:

The terms of reference for the successful consultant will include:
  1. To carry out a historical analysis of CHE highlighting its role and functions as well as its achievements and challenges to date.
  2. To examine key aspects of the National Strategy for the Development of University Education vis-à-vis the mandate of CHE.
  3. To review the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of the CHE to reflect the current situation.
  4. To establish CHE’S SWOT status.
  5. To chart a strategic direction for CHE.
  6. To produce an action plan and timeline for implementation.
B. Creation of a Comprehensive Database on HIV & AIDS Programmes and Initiatives in Kenyan Universities and University Colleges
Tender No: CHE/02/2009-2010

Terms of Reference:

The terms of reference for the successful consultant will include:
  1. To carry out literature review.
  2. To collect data from Kenyan Universities and University Colleges.
  3. To analyze data.
  4. To disseminate/validate findings in a workshop
  5. To submit a final report in hard and soft copies by April 2010.
Interested consultants are required to apply by completing a business questionnaire obtainable from CHE offices during normal working hours, Monday to Friday, from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs 2,000.00 (Two thousand only) per tender in form of cash or banker’s cheque payable to the Commission for Higher Education.

Applicants will be required to provide adequate information on their qualifications and competence level; their profile including business details, skills and specific experience in performing similar work and provide evidence of previous work.

Request for Proposal (RFP) tender documents will be issued to short listed applicants.

Completed Expression of Interest (EOI) in plain, sealed envelopes clearly marked either

Tender No: CHE/01/2009-2010: Request for Expression of Interest for the Development of a Strategic Plan (2010 – 2015);


Tender No: CHE/02/2009-2010: Request for Expression of Interest for the Creation of a Comprehensive Database on HIV & AIDS Programmes and Initiatives in Kenyan Universities and University Colleges

and addressed to:

The Commission Secretary/CEO,
Commission for Higher Education,
P.O. Box 54999-00200,

should be deposited in the Tender Box located at the Commission reception on or before Tuesday 12th January 2010 at noon.

Returned EOI will be opened immediately thereafter at the Commission’s boardroom in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend.

Commission Secretary/Chief Executive Officer

Commission for Higher Education is a corrupt free organization. Report any form of corruption to Telephone: 7205000, (020) 2021150/1

Commission for Higher Education
Redhill Road,Off Limuru Road,Gigiri
P.O. Box 54999-00200,
Tel:020-7205000, 020 - 2021155/54
E-mail:che @

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