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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Senior Research Economist - AFDB VACANCIES

    * Grade: PL-5
    * Position N°: 0451
    * Reference: ADB/10/121
    * Publication date: 03/09/2010
    * Closing date: 30/09/2010


The African Development Bank places research and  knowledge sharing at the center of its activities, as sound economic  analysis has the potential to play an important role in the  transformation of African economies towards sustainable development and  poverty reduction.  In 2007, the AfDB established a Development Research  Department as part of the Bank’s reform process. The Department's  activities focus on devising and undertaking a program of research and  analysis on priority social and economic development issues that support  the Bank's policy and operations agenda.

The Department comprises about 25 researchers in two  Divisions.  The Research Partnerships Division is seeking to strengthen  its team of analysts by recruiting a Senior Research Economist with  expertise in the areas of finance, trade and regional integration.
Duties and responsibilities

Under the general supervision of the Division  Manager, the incumbent is expected to play a major and visible role in  carrying out the Division’s work program:

    * Contribute to the  Bank’s flagship publications, such as the African Economic Outlook and  the African Development Report:
          o Take responsibility for  particular sections, and carry the analysis through from information  collection to publication.
          o articipate in dissemination events.
    * Undertake  empirical research on economic development:
          o Conceptualize, carry  out, and publish research papers in professional journals, collective  volumes, and the Bank’s Working Paper Series.
          o Participate  actively in conferences, seminars, and other learning events.
    * Contribute  technical and analytical inputs to the work of the Bank’s Operations  Complexes:
          o Provide input into Country Strategy Papers.
          o Participate  in Economic Sector Work.
          o Peer review project, program, and  policy documents.
    * Provide support to Senior  Management:
          o Prepare statements and policy briefs on economic  development issues of current interest.
    * Perform other  duties as required.

Selection Criteria

Including desirable skills, knowledge and  experience

The successful candidate will possess the following  profile:

    * A Ph.D. in Economics or a related discipline. A  Master degree complemented by a strong research background and proven  record of publications in refereed journals may be acceptable.
    * Five  years of relevant professional experience in development policy  research and analysis and the study of economic conditions in developing  countries, notably Africa.
    * Publication record on development  economics in international peer reviewed journals.
    * Sound  knowledge and background in the use of statistical and econometric  methods and packages.
    * Evidence of the ability to design and  manage research projects from conceptualisation to publication.
    * Ability  to communicate and write effectively in English and/or French; a good  working knowledge of the other language is highly desirable.
    * Strong  interpersonal skills, ability to work in teams and in an  interdisciplinary environment, and sensitivity to cultural diversity.

Document download

Senior  Research Economist (104 KB)

Only applicants who fully meet the Bank's  requirements and are being considered for interview will be contacted.  Applicants will only be considered if they submit (preferably  electronically, to:  a fully completed Personal History Form (PHF), available from the  Bank’s web site, and attach a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV)  indicating date of birth and nationality. The President, ADB, reserves  the right to appoint a candidate at a lower level. The African  Development Bank is an equal opportunities employer and female  candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

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