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Friday, September 3, 2010

Director, European Policy & Government Relations

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) saves wildlife and wild places  by understanding critical issues, crafting science-based solutions, and  taking conservation actions that benefit nature and humanity. With a  century of experience and long-term presence in more than 50 nations,  WCS has amassed the biological knowledge, cultural understanding and  partnerships to ensure that vibrant, wild places and wildlife thrive  alongside local communities. WCS addresses the challenges of the complex  inter-relationship between conservation, sustainable development, and  human livelihoods; natural resource management and extraction; the  wildlife/livestock/ human health interface; and climate change.

In support of this work, we seek a dynamic, conservation-minded professional  to build partnerships with European government agencies and legislative  bodies on behalf of WCS’s strategic conservation objectives in Africa,  Asia and Latin America.

The European Policy and Government Relations Director will:

    * Shape WCS policy engagement in Europe support of the conservation  programs, so as to (a) align policy initiatives and consequent funding  opportunities with WCS conservation priorities, and (b) draw upon the  expertise and experience within WCS to help identify, formulate, and  articulate policy initiatives of the public sector in Europe.
    * Building upon WCS’s existing policy expertise in Washington, both in  the legislative and agency arenas, help support transatlantic linkages  for conservation through (a) the coordination of WCS’s political and  advocacy actions, and (b) coordination with WCS high-level  agency-focused program development efforts in Europe.
    * Support WCS’s policy engagement with multilateral institutions  (World Bank, GEF, climate change financing mechanisms, FAO, etc.)  related to the conservation of wildlife and wild lands by maintaining  relationships with European participants in those processes.
    * Within the framework of an annual workplan developed jointly with  WCS Europe, represent WCS in European-based policy discussions with  governments, multilateral institutions, treaty organizations and  conservation organizations.
    * Ensure an internally-consistent and mission-focused set of policy interventions in Europe.

To Apply:

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