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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Programme Advisor and Editor Job Opportunity: Life & Peace Institute

The Life & Peace Institute is an international and ecumenical centre for peace research and action.

LPI-Nairobi is looking for One (1) Programme Advisor and Editor

Deadline for application: Monday, the 12th of January 2009, 16.00 hrs EAT.

Essential responsibilities:

  1. Programme advice in conflict transformation, with a special emphasis on Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (PME & L)
  2. Editing of the monthly newsletter "Horn of Africa Bulletin" with full responsibility for content, in partnership with regional organizations
  3. Learning design, training and accompaniment of partners
The detailed Job Description can be downloaded at

To apply, please send a detailed CV, including the details of your supervisors in previous employments as referees, and cover letter no later than Monday, the 12th of January 2009 to applications. lpi.nairobi @ gmail. com

All applications sent to LPI-Nairobi's PO Box, submitted directly at our office or sent to other LPI addresses will be automatically rejected.

Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

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