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Monday, December 22, 2008

Demographic Surveillance Systems (DSS) Field Coordinator Job Vacancy: APHRC

Promoting the well-being of Africans through policy-relevant research on population and health

Demographic Surveillance Systems (DSS) Field Coordinator

The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) is an international nonprofit,
non-governmental organization that carries out high-quality and policy relevant research on population and health issues facing sub-Saharan Africa.

The Center seeks to recruit a DSS Field Coordinator

Duties and Responsibilities

He/She will be responsible for managing all field-related operational and logistical activities for the DSS. He or she will report to the Head of the Data Unit.

His or her specific responsibilities are to:
  • Develop and manage annual and other operational work plans for the project.
  • Train and supervise fieldworkers, making regular visits to the field to ensure adherence to data quality and ethical guidelines.
  • Manage systems for monitoring and evaluating performance of fieldworkers and adherence to quality control guidelines, including carrying out spot checks in the field.
  • Manage flow of questionnaires, including tracking of questionnaires sent back from the office to the field for call-backs.
  • Participate in developing, revising and translating DSS study instruments, including questionnaires, field manuals, and quality control guidelines.
  • Participate in planning and carrying out community mobilization and dissemination activities to community members, policy makers, and scientific audiences.
  • Produce technical and other progress reports on field operations as required.
  • Participate in data analysis, scientific writing, and proposal development.
  • Manage the processing of research permits and ethical approval for the DSS.
  • Perform any other functions as assigned by the Head of the Data Unit.
Essential (Skills and Qualifications)
  • An MSc in quantitative social science discipline (for example Demography, Statistics and sociology);
  • Experience and proven skills in managing large-scale community-based quantitative research projects;
  • Strong quantitative background with good understanding of demographic concepts and experience in statistical data manipulation and analysis;
  • Strong organizational skills; and
  • Strong writing skills.
  • Knowledge of DSS Concepts;
  • Knowledge of statistical packages;
  • Experience in working in slum settlements;
  • Knowledge and application of advanced statistical analysis and concepts (for example binary and multinomial logistic regression, survival analysis etc); and
  • Experience in scientific writing (for example for journals).
Please, apply enclosing a detailed CV, quoting current and expected salary and providing
contact details of three referees (at least one of whom must be a former employer) to the
address below by December 31, 2008.

Online applications should be sent to jobs @ with the position applied for written on the subject line. We will contact only short listed candidates.

The Human Resources Manager
African Population and Health Research Center
P.O. Box 10787-00100 GPO

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