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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Female Counselor Position - Tanzania

HOCET Secondary School is seeking a dynamic, compassionate, and  formally trained counselor for a full-time position to begin immediately  at its location in Shungubweni, Mkuranga.  Pay is competitive and based  on educational background and work experience.  Housing, food,  healthcare and transportation benefits are included.  Must have formal  training in counseling and at minimum a university degree.   Responsibilities include the following:

    * Provide counseling sessions to all female  students (~50) at least two times per week.
    * Provide advise and  support to female students on an as-needed basis.
    * Keep orderly,  up-to-date, and specific records of documentation for all counseling  sessions.
    * Maintain accurate student records of all girls' physical and  psychological health.
    * Assist with escorting students to the  clinic or hospital for medical attention on an as-needed basis.
    * Supervise  girls' dormitory and ensuring adherence to school policies concerning  conduct, cleanliness, and the school timetable.
    * Provide consultation and feedback to the HSS School Board of  Directors on the development of school policies, practices, and  procedures to support female academics, health, and overall wellness.
    * Provide  monthly reports to the HSS School Board of Directors on school  operations as they relate to female students' health, academics,  discipline, and personal wellness.
    * Provide workshop training on the fundamentals of counseling,  relationship-building, and the development of healthy, positive, and  productive adult-student relationships to HSS faculty and staff.
    * Report  any and all policy violations or other serious problems to the Head of  School in a timely manner.

To apply, please submit a CV and letter  of interest to Sydney Schaef at:

HOCET  Secondary School (HSS) is a private secondary boarding school for  orphaned and vulnerable youth that was co-founded in 2007 by US  non-profit Kujali International and Tanzanian NGO Hananasif Orphanage  Center (HOCET).  HSS's mission is to equip Tanzania's youth with the  tools, resources, and opportunities to overcome poverty, change their  own lives and become agents of change in their own communities. The  school founders, faculty and staff do not discriminate on the basis of  gender, ethnicity, religion, tribe, or other affiliation. We welcome all  interested parties to apply.  

Thank you for your interest.

Kujali  International & HOCET
contact: Sydney Schaef
tel:  +255.787.102.755

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