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Monday, September 13, 2010

OUTREACH WORKERS - 4 (people with nursing background welcome for this position)

Medecins du Monde, thereafter MdM, is an international NGO working on HIV/AIDS development projects in Tanzania since _ 1992. It is currently planning a program in Temeke District focused on Harm Reduction for Injecting Drug Users (IDUs).


• To perform outreach work

• To define with the Program Coordinator target places and periods of intervention

• To make contact with IOU

• To provide counselling on drug related issues

• To propose, with IOU's agreement, medical and social support provided on site or in Drop in centre

• To collect anonymous data for recording how many injectors access the service, number of visits, number of syringes and needles given out and recovered for safe disposal

• To participate in report writing by collecting appropriate data

• To bring back and destroy, in a safety way for everybody, used syringes and needles

• To assist and to take part in training in order to improve the quality of the job

• To realize interviews with the beneficiaries (with non-judgement attitude, confidentiality and respect of th9 practices)

• To give information about HIV, Hepatitis C and drugs

• To find promoters on the field

• To perform trainings on HR

• To accompany beneficiaries when needed to health institution

• To participate in weekly team meeting and other supervision meetings

• Staying informed and well -trained in the field of drug addiction and harm reduction


• Title: Social Studies. Nursing.

• Experience in social work (2 years)

• Experience in outreach work (2 years)

• Knowledge of HIV/AIDS

• Involvement in CSO appreciated

• Knowledge in the field of Human Rights desirable

• Ability to work in English

• Ability to follow strict security rules

• Ability to establish trust and communicate effectively with active drug users

• Appropriate skills and knowledge of local resources likely to be of interest to the drug using population

• Organizational skills, accurate recordkeeping, successful networking with groups of individuals at risk

• Ability to recognize and maintain appropriate personal boundaries

• Able to work in the natural environment of drug users and within service settings, both formally and informally

• Know how to obtain and provide referrals to a comprehensive range of community services and facilities

• Calm, sense of humor, real team-player


The successful candidates will sign a 12 months contract, with an initial probation period of 3 months.


Applications with CV, copies of diploma and degrees, reference contacts and contact phone should reach to the next address before 15th of July 2009:

P.O. Box 105948, Dar es Salaam e-mail:

The application must include the title of the post

Only short list of candidates will receive further notifications and will have to undergo an oral interview. Applications not contacted are consider as not selected.

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