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Thursday, July 22, 2010

GOAL Non Formal Education NGO Partners Request for Expressions of Interest

GOAL implements a programme of support to children and youth to address the needs of the most vulnerable living in the informal settlements in Nairobi.
The overall goal of this programme is to empower vulnerable children and youth to uphold their rights and fulfil their potential for sustainable livelihoods and wellbeing.
This is achieved through an integrated programme including non-formal education (NFE), vocational skills training, child protection, health and HIV/AIDS projects.
GOAL has recently assessed the strategic focus of our education activities to ensure that our response is focused and appropriate. We are expanding the scope of our work with partners (local CBOs and NGOs).
In view of this approach GOAL is calling on non-profit groups which provide NFE in the slums to indicate their interest to partner with GOAL in implementation of NFE.
The group/institution/organisation should:
  • be implementing NFE with the aim of reintegrating pupils into formal school or vocational skills training programmes;
  • have a minimum of fifty regular children participating in activities;
  • have a reasonable space for learning;
  • be operational within the informal settlements of Nairobi (specifically in Mukuru, Dandora, Korogocho and Kariobangi);
  • be implementing a set curriculum, available for review;
  • have performance and follow up records of former pupils;
  • be operational for the last one year.
Interested and qualifying institutions/organisations should submit their profiles including detailed information on how the group meets the specific criteria set out above.
Profiles should be delivered to the GOAL Kenya Head Office, Nyangumi Road (off Lenana Road), Kilimani, or emailed to on or before Wednesday July 28th 2010.
Enquiries to this email address or phone the GOAL education office on (020) 2721999.

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