IFAD is an international financial institution and a specialized United Nations agency dedicated to eradicating poverty and hunger in rural areas in developing countries.
It does so by financing programmes and projects that increase agricultural productivity and raise rural incomes, and by advocating at the local, national and international level for policies that enable poor rural people to overcome poverty.
IFAD is looking for a Portfolio Adviser, grade P-5.
The successful candidate, based in Nairobi, will work under the strategic, policy and management guidance of the Director, Eastern and Southern Africa Division and work as pan of a regional team with the Regional Economist, Financial Management Officer, Knowledge Management Officer and Country Programme Managers.
The Portfolio Adviser will be the interface between Nairobi- and Rome-based staff, playing a pivotal role in implementing the new operating model approach to ensure effective country programmes, project design and supervision/implementation support, and knowledge management, innovation, policy dialogue and partnerships.
For detailed information, visit our website www.ifad.org/job
Send your application to vacancy@ifad.org by 11 August 2010.