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Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Duty Station: Amani Hill Research Station

Qualifications and Experience

PhD degree qualification in the health sciences

• Must have good working experience at a senior level in a recognized research institution or four years in scientific or research related field at a senior level with at least fifteen good quality publications in peer reviewed journals (four of which is first author).

• Must command National and lnternationc! recognition in the respective research speciality.

• Must be a mature person able to conduct respect among subordinate staff and other executives.

• Must have good interpersonal relationship with colleagues.

Duties and Responsibilities

• To head a station;

• To advise the Director of Research Coordination and Promotion on all matters related to Research Development and Training for the station;

• To Chair station Management and Scientific Committee;

• To develop/update and implement, upon approval by Director of Research Coordination and Promotion/Centre Director, strategies for better coordination of health research within the station and contribute to research coordination in NIMR and Tanzania;

• To establish and implement strategies promoting research at the station in accordance with NIMR development/strategic plans;

• To ensure the development of research proposals for station/directorate and be active in soliciting research funds.

• To ensure timely submission of financial and technical reports in relation to station functions;

• To plan and manage station's resources efficiently;

• To make and implement maintenance plans of the station assets/equipment;

• To perform any other duty that may be directed by the Director General/or Centre Director in - charge of the respective Research Station.

Terms of Employment Permanent and Pensionable

Salary and Fringe Benefits

Attractive Salary and fringe benefits will be paid depending on qualifications and experience

Mode of Application

Application letters accompanied by a typed CV, Certified copies of Academic Certificates, Names of Referees, Current postal address, phone Number and E-mail Address, should reach the undersigned within one month from the first advertisement. Only successful candidates will be contacted.

Direcfor General Nafionallnsfifufe for Medical Research ~O. Box 9653 Dar es Salaam

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