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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

UNDP Tanzania Country Office Energy Audit Request for Proposal

In 2007, the UN Secretary-General announced his commitment to lead by example in addressing the issues of climate change. The Secretary-General wrote to the executive heads of UN agencies, funds and programmes reaffirming his pledge to make in-house practices more climate-friendly and environmentally sustainable and to develop an outstanding, climate-neutral approach for the Organization’s premises and operations.

The energy audit exercise in the country office is one step towards the implementation of the Climate-Neutral UN as pledged by the Secretary General.

The objective of the energy audit is to assess and undertake verification, monitoring and analysis of use of energy in the UNDP premises and, provide technical recommendations for improving energy efficiency with cost benefit analysis and an action plan to reduce energy consumption in the country office as an effort to reduce spending on energy.

It is within this background that UNDP Country Office is seeking the services of competent institutions/firms with qualified team of experts to undertake investment-grade audit (comprehensive, detailed and technical analysis audit) in the UNDP premises at Msimbazi Creek, Dar es Salaam to assess energy balance as one step in the implementation of the in house Climate-Neutral practices in the country office.

The detailed Terms of Reference are incorporated in the respective RFP tender document.
Eligible/competent organizations can request a complete set of bidding documents (RFP) in English Language starting Tuesday, 04 May 2010 from 8.3Oam to 3.00pm at UN Offices, Msimbazi Creek, off Kindondoni Road, Dar es Salaam through a written request. Requests may also be sent to the following address:

A pre-bidding meeting will be held at the above UN premises on Wednesday 12 May 2010 at 10.00hrs

Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes as specified in the tender document, under the two envelope system. All offers should have a validity of 90 days from the date of official opening of the bids.

Bids will be received until Monday, 31 May 2010 at 1400 hours, local time.

Offers will be opened at the United Nations Offices (UNDP Dar es Salaam) on the same day (Monday, 31 May 2010 at 1400 hours) in the presence of bidders/representatives who wish to attend.

Any request for clarification should be sought in writing from the following e-mail address: undø.orci.

Bids submitted after the closing time will not bid considered.

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