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Friday, May 28, 2010

Australian High Commission, Nairobi Property Officer Vacancy

The Australian High Commission is seeking applications from suitably experienced, motivated and organised  individuals for the positions of Property Officer at its busy mission
Property Management services for a portfolio of 10 properties including:
  • Deliver works program/s: including planning, scoping, procuring and carrying-out adhoc repairs and maintenance and programmed works under various budgets;
  • Manage Lease issues: including procurement, renewal and termination; managing the workflow processes involved and managing the lessee/lessor relationship during the term of the lease including disputes, responsibilities and obligations of the lessor/lessee under the terms of the lease;
  • Manage Vehicle fleet and transport related services including:
  • Supervision of and allocation of tasks to Drivers and vehicle maintenance programs;
  • Administrative tasks: undertake a broad range duties related to works program, lease issues, stationary/equipment stores, financial management and vehicle fleet under departmental guidelines and legislation;
Other skills:
  • IT skills – This position also job-shares the role of Local Area Network Administrator (LANA)
  • Driving skills – In the absence of drivers, act as back-up driver. Ths position requires a valid ‘clean’ Kenyan driving licence.
Selection Criteria
  1. As a member of a small team, has the ability to make sound judgements under limited supervision, which assist in producing outcomes of position duties. Demonstrated experience in property management, vehicle management and general administration.
  2. Demonstrated ability to undertake new task quickly, adapt to different environments and respond to challenges. Ability to plan and organise priorities to meet tight deadlines.
  3. Ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing, including an ability to assist in liaison, negotiation and consultation. Strong interpersonal skills and ability tot build productive working relationships.
  4. IT skills: Demonstrated ability to troubleshoot desktop and server operating system issues. Good understanding of Microsoft networking protocols, knowledge of application packaging and deployment, and problem solving of  installation issue. Ability to provide helpdesk support to clients on the use of IT to meet their needs. Related experience and/or tertiary qualifications are highly desirable.
  5. Driving skills: Demonstrated ability to drive safely, to prevailing road conditions. Excellent knowledge of Nairobi environs.
  • This position is at the Mission Locally Engaged Level 6 (Kes99,910 – 138,043) monthly depending on skills and experience. This is a two-year contract position with an option to extend and subject to our Locally Engaged Staff conditions of service.
Applications close on 23 June 2010
Applications must address the selection criteria (1-5) in no more than 5 pages; provide a current resume; provide list of referees with current contact details. Applications that do not meet these specifications will not be considered. Only shortlist applicants will be contacted.
Applications should be addressed to
First Secretary & Consul
Ref: Property Officer Position
PO Box 39341 – 00623 Nairobi
Or delivered by hand
Riverside Drive (400 metres off Chiromo Road)

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