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Monday, May 31, 2010

The Kigali City Jobs

  1. Director General – Infrastructure development and urban planning
  2. Transportation Engineer
  3. Urban Planner
The Kigali City would like, to recruit international and local competent, skilled and experienced staff for Infrastructure development and urban planning.
Kigali City covers an area of 730 square meters of which 40% is urban and the rest being considered a zone for expansion of the urbanization process. The population of Kigali is about 1,000,000. It is one of the fastest growing cities in Africa in terms of urbanization and is key to the socio-Economic development of the country. The city has successfully completed its conceptual master plan and part of its detailed physical plans and is in the process of completing the latter.
Having completed its master plan with excellence, as this has so far won 4 international awards; Kigali City is now set to implement it. Over 60% of the City is unplanned settlement. The strategy to address the challenges is twofold:
a) Slum upgrading where the existing construction is strong but lacks the necessary infrastructure (roads, drainage, sewage management etc). In this case the latter will be established to protect and avail these basic services to the community with minimum expropriation,
b) Complete redevelopment where settlement is composed of very densely, poorly constructed and unsafe constructions.
The master plan implementation has to foster sustainable socio-economic development in accordance with sound ecological principles and equitable distribution of resources to the citizens. To this, the city is committed to ensuring the safety and security of its citizens through establishing and maintaining sound waste management system, public health and hygiene as well as cleanli¬ness and city beatification.
The vision of Kigali City is to make Kigali city a safer, cleaner, and more competitive, modern city with an infrastructural base to ensure expanding opportunities for sustainable development for its citizens and, visitors wanting to travel live and invest in the city and the country at large.
Director General in charge of Infrastructure development and urban planning
Required qualifications and key skills
The Director General should have the following qualifications:
  • A Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering, from a recognized University and a diploma or a deep working knowledge of urban planning with a minimum of 10 years’ post-qualification experience in the relevant field in a large institution and preferably public.
Transportation Engineer
Required qualifications and key skills
  • A Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Transportation from a recognized University or Institute of Higher Learning with 8 years’ post-qualification experience in field applied for,
  • Knowledge of the principles and practices of Civil Engineering as applied to municipal public works activities or any other related field.
Urban Planner
Required qualifications and key skills
  • Master’s degree in Urban Planning with extensive practical experience in urban planning and design, knowledge and experience in strategic planning and participatory approaches is also necessary.
  • At least 10 years of relevant experience of which 5 are at international level.
Mode of Application:
The application should comprise the following documents:
  • A cover letter clearly identifying how they meet the requirements of the post with a comprehensive curriculum vitae attached;
  • Two certified true copies of each degree and professional certificates; Two passport photos;
  • Testimonials (to provide his/her experience);
  • A medical certificate issued by a Government Physician;
  • Criminal record certificate
Interested candidates who are qualified for the posts should send the above mentioned documents to the address below not later than 21 st June 2010 at 12.00.
Late applications will be rejected.
Detailed job profile can be found on the website of Kigali city.
Attn: Executive Secretary
Kigali City
P.O Box: 3527
Tel: 250- 57 2255 /576967.
Done at Kigali, on 26th May 2010.
Mukasonga Solange
Acting Executive Secretary Kigali City.

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