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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Grofin Business Financing Opportunity

Do you need finance to grow your existing business?

At GroFin we not only provide you with access to finance, we also assist you in growing and developing your business through our dedicated business development assistance.
If you:
  • Need finance of between Kes. 4m and Kes. 75m;
  • Run your own successful business and;
  • Want to grow your business further,
Finance + Expertise = Success

Then contact us today to discuss your business requirements.

GroFin Kenya
Tel: +254 20 273 0280, +254 724 257020, +254 735 993499
Fax: +254 20 273 0279
Email: info.kenya @
Ground floor, CIC Plaza, Mara Road, Upper Hill, Nairobi

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