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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Strathmore Business School Owner Manager Program

Are you ready to solve your business challenges as an entrepreneur?

Are you ready to move to the big league?

The OMP (Owner Manager Program) at SBS has been designed to enhance your business knowledge and give insights on how to build, grow and sustain your business towards excellent organizational performance.

This modular program provides the entrepreneur with a unique opportunity to view their business from an aerial perspective, with the help of our world-renowned faculty you will develop long-term and cutting-edge strategies to help your company to attain its full potential.
Target: Entrepreneurs, Aspiring Entrepreneurs and Club 100 (Top 100 Mid-Sized Company survey)Dates: Four 1-week Modules; Module 1 starts: 12-16 April 2010Venue: Strathmore Business School
Deadline for Application: Friday 9th April 2010

For details on the program, please contact Harriet on hkoyoson @ and Lena on lgachoki @

You may also call Tel: +254 20 6003412, 6007277, 6004036
Cell: +254 724 256 249, 734 256 225 or visit our website on

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