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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

General Manager / Chief Operating Officer (Very attractive salary)

Job Ref. MN 4369

Our client, a 5 star fully furnished service apartment and club located in upmarket Nairobi, wishes to recruit a General Manager/Chief Operating Officer.

Job Profile

Successful candidate will:
  • Create product market awareness, achieve and maintain set occupancy rates;
  • Create and utilize all available resources to grow and maintain the product brand;
  • Create and maintain efficient financial systems;
  • Set annual budget and meet the same strictly;
  • Achieve the set target revenues and profitability;
  • Create and maintain an efficient system of monitoring the facility assets;
  • Recruit and manage staff;
  • Create, manage and maintain staff performance indicators;
  • Maintain a productive and highly motivated work force;
  • Constantly improve the service delivery and standards in all levels.

The qualified candidate will have:
  • A degree or an equivalent qualification in a hospitality discipline;
  • 30 to 40 years of age;
  • Proven strong skills in sales and marketing;
  • Strong demonstrable leadership qualities;
  • 5 years experience in the industry and demonstrable successful track record, preferably in strategy, sales and marketing. International exposure is a definite advantage
  • Basic knowledge in hospitality accounting systems.
Send your application with a daytime telephone number.

Please also summarize yourself as follows:
  • Job Ref. No.
  • Your Name
  • Current/Past Salary – Year 2009 PM and Year 2010 p.m
  • Year 2009 Benefits – If house, state market rent, If car state cc.
Send your application by hand, courier, post or email so as to reach us by 12th May 2010.
Please limit email to maximum 3 pages A4 size CV. Please do not attach certificates or testimonials to your email application. Mark Job Ref. No. 4369 on the top left hand corner of the envelope.

Executive Selections Division
Manpower Services (K) Ltd
3rd Floor, Landmark Plaza
Directly Opp. Nairobi Hospital Entrance
P.O. Box 50736-00200, Nairobi

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