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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Plan Request for Expression of Interest – Consultancy Services for Children’s Financial Education Project


Plan is an international child-centered community development organization without political, religious or government affiliations. Child sponsorship is the basic foundation of the organization. Plan Kenya is implementing a financial education project in partnership with Child Savings Kenya (CSK) with financial support from Financial Sector Deepening (FSD) Kenya.
Child Savings Kenya is a non governmental trust, which seeks to become a thought leader in Child Social and Financial Education (CSFE).


The overall purpose of the baseline survey is to establish the level of financial knowledge and existing skills among the
in and out of school children in Kisumu West district and Budalangi (Bunyala district), and the financial practices and
characteristics of the target communities.

Scope and Coverage

The scope of the study will include a comprehensive literature review of project documents, qualitative and quantitative data collection targeting 148 schools and 2 learning centres in the two project areas.

Terms of reference

The ToR will include assessing the level of knowledge, attitude and behaviour on earning, saving, investing, microenterprises and banking services.
Interested consultancy firms are requested to collect a copy of the full terms of reference (free of charge) at the address provided below or contact this e-mail address: or collect copy of ToR from Plan Kenya Country office at Dennis Pritt Road Opposite Silver Oak Kindergarten.


Plan Kenya invites eligible consulting firms or individuals to forward their Expressions of Interest in providing these
services. The consulting firms are expected to submit both technical and a financial proposal, separately. The consulting firm or individuals must have undertaken similar works in the last four years and the team/individuals must be wellgrounded in social science with excellent skills in research, design, monitoring and evaluation of rights based and child centered community development programs.

The consulting team will sign and adhere to Plan Kenya’s Child Protection Policy (CPP).
The completed expression of interest documents in writing must be delivered to the address below or deposited in the

Tender Box situated at the Reception of Plan Kenya Country Office so as to be received on or before 14/5/2010.

The expression of interest must be in blank sealed envelopes clearly marked ‘’TENDER FOR CHILDREN’S FINANCIAL EDUCATION’’ and addressed to:

The Tender Board,
Plan International Inc.,
Kenya Country Office,
Dennis Pritt Road,
Opposite Silver Oak Kindergarten,
P.O. Box 25196 – 00603

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