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Thursday, April 29, 2010

HIV Young Leaders Fund

The HIV Young Leaders Fund is seeking grant proposals for its 2010 – 2011 cycle of funding from organizations working to address the needs of young people most-affected by HIV.
The goal of the HIV Young Leaders Fund small grants program is to enable new leadership in the HIV response among young people most-affected by HIV, including young people living with HIV.
Young leaders and youth networks drive the funding priorities and governance of the HIV Young Leaders Fund.

Funding Priorities
The HIV Young Leaders Fund supports organizations and projects serving young people most-at-risk of HIV in their community and/or young people living with HIV. The Fund has two tracts – one for Core Funding and one for Project Funding. Key activities supported by the Fund:
  • Local, national, regional or international HIV advocacy. For example: Advocacy to make harm-reduction services for drug users available to young people 18 and under, working with health clinics to change their hours so more young women can use them, or asking the National AIDS Council to create prevention programs for young gay men.
  • Local peer-based HIV services. For example: Starting or maintaining a support group for young people living with HIV, a project that helps street children get health care, or HIV treatment and prevention education for young sex workers.
  • Local community mobilization. For example: Creating a coalition to address stigma in public schools towards young people living with HIV or organizing a group of young people into a treatment activism network.

  • Only youth-led organizations or youth-led projects (this can be within a larger organization or a new initiative) are eligible for funding. Youth-led is defined as the project or organization leader being 30 years of age or younger.
  • Organizations that receive funding must be registered as nonprofit organizations. Non-registered groups applying for funding must identify a fiscal sponsor if they are selected.
  • We highly encourage applications that are from organizations of most-at-risk young people in the community and young people living with HIV. This includes organizations of young sex workers, young gay men, young transgenders, young people living with HIV, young people who use drugs, and young women, depending on the local context.
  • All countries are eligible to apply for this round of funding.
  • You cannot serve on a Community Review Panel and also apply for funding.

  • Total cost of project is between $0 – $5,000: Up to $5,000
  • Total cost of project is between $5,000 – $20,000: Up to $15,000
  • Total cost of project is between $20,000 – $50,000: Up to $20,000
  • New organization with no previous funding: Up to $15,000
  • Existing organization with previous funding and a total operating budget of less than $50,000: Up to $20,000
  • Existing organization with previous funding and a total operating budget of $50,000 or above: Up to $30,000
Download our Grant Application: English
Download our Grant Application Guide: English
Download our Request for Proposals: English
All proposals must be received by May 1
Please submit all applications to:
Email: (preferred)
Or Mail: ATTN: HIV Young Leaders Fundc/o Brooklyn Creative League, 540 President Street Brooklyn, NY 11215, USA

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