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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Finance – Consultancy Services for PFMR Promotion and Stakeholder Education and Awareness Raising Campaign

Republic of Kenya
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Finance
Public Financial Management Reform Programme
Credit No. 4146ke
Request for Expression of Interest
Consultancy Services for PFMR Promotion and Stakeholder Education and Awareness Raising Campaign
The government of Kenya through the Ministry of Finance has received funds from the World Bank and a group of development partners including the European Commission, JICA, DANIDA, GTZ, SIDA, CIDA, USAID and Norway towards the cost of Public Financial Management reform Programme.
The government of Kenya intends to use part of these credit/grants to make eligible payments under the contract for consultancy services for PFMR promotion and stakeholder education and awareness raising campaign.
The Ministry of Finance through its Project, the Public Financial Management Reform Programme (PFMR), has over the past few years rolled out reforms in the public sector. The reforms aim to facilitate the provision of essential public services to the people of Kenya.
For this to happen, it needs to efficiently mobilize public resources through the revenue and tax systems and channel such resources to the most needed and politically prioritized areas of service such as education, health, security etc.
The need to reform the Public Finance system was emphasized in the Economic Recovery Strategy for wealth and employment creation, the ERS, and continues to be an important element in the Vision 2030 Strategy to help realize:
  • fiscal sustainability and balance in the economy
  • restructuring and reallocation for growth and poverty alleviation and
  • Improved public sector performance efficiency and effectiveness leading to improved service delivery and results for Kenyans.
The development objective of the project is to strengthen public financial management systems to enhance transparency, accountability and responsiveness to public expenditure policy priorities as well as to enhance public service delivery through the effective implementation of Result Based Management (RBM).
The Programme has put together a Communications Strategy to address the information needs of both the internal and external stakeholders. In this Strategy, the Programme has proposed to stimulate stakeholder participation, support and education with regard to the reforms through promotional marketing techniques to be activated via the electronic media and the road shows.
To implement the promotional marketing programme, the PFMR Secretariat urgently requires the services of an experienced Marketing Communications Firm.
The Service Profile
The firm should be able to meet the following profile and specifications:
  • Have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the marketing communications and specifically promotional marketing industry in the service sector in Kenya. Examples from non-profit service based organizations are preferred.
  • Have been in the business of promotional marketing handling accounts for corporations and/or the Government of Kenya for not less than 5 years.
  • Demonstrate capacity and possession of creative agency resources required to manage the campaign within the timeframe that has been specified.
  • Have successfully implemented at least ten similar promotional marketing projects in the past 5 years (with contactable references).
  • Provide profiles (academic and professional qualifications, experience) of members of staff with experience in promotional marketing techniques expected to coordinate and execute the campaign.
  • Provide examples of promotional marketing campaigns that you have developed in the past 5 years. Examples from non-profit service oriented organizations are preferred.
  • Provide signed testimonials from organizations whose accounts you currently hold.
Qualified firms should submit their expressions of interest and their detailed CVs to;

The Financial Secretary
Ministry of Finance
P. O. Box 30007-00100

Attn: PFMR Coordinator
The deadline for submission is May 13th, 2010.
Late submissions will not be accepted.
A shortlist will be compiled in accordance with the World Bank guidelines: Selection and Employment of consultants/firms by World Bank Borrowers (2004 edition-revised).
Shortlisted firms will be issued with a request for proposal.
Interested candidates may obtain the full TORs from the PFMR website or the PFMR Communications Specialist, Bima house 8th floor, Room 823.
PFMR Coordinator
For: Financial Secretary

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