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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Principal Agro-Industry Specialist – African Development Bank Group (AFDB) Jobs

Position title: Principal Agro-Industry Specialist
Reference: ADB/10/032
Publication date: 14/04/2010
Closing date: 13/05/2010
  • Assist the Department of Agriculture and Agro-Industry in implementing the Bank’s Agriculture Sector Strategy with special emphasis on agribusiness and agro-industrial development of the African continent.
  • In relation to the Bank’s country and regional operations strategies, identify, prepare, appraise or mainstream agro-industrial sub-sector operations to be submitted for Bank financing.
  • Ascertain good performance of operations by improving their design and organizing launching missions.
  • Collaborate with other Bank units in reviewing the operations performance so as to ensure that the lessons drawn from the implementation of past operations are taken into account in new projects.
  • Cooperate with external partners through coordination meetings and project co-financing, to ensure adequate funding for the agriculture sector and effective coordination of intervention in the sector.
Duties and responsibilities
Under the supervision of the Division Manager, OSAN.1, the Agro-industrial Expert will perform the following duties and responsibilities:
  • Participate in sector policy development and contribute to efforts to formulate the Bank’s particular strategy relating to the major aspects of agribusiness and agro-industrial development of the African continent with special focus on post-harvest losses reduction.
  • Ensure that agribusiness and agro-industrial development opportunities are taken into account in the formulation and implementation of agriculture projects; and ensure effective coordination with Field Offices and other Departments of the Bank to ensure consistent mainstreaming of these areas in other programmes of the Bank and national-regional programmes.
  • Contribute with technical inputs to Bank Group’s operational activities relating to agro-industrial development, through the review of the technical design and institutional arrangements for agricultural projects/programmes proposed for Bank’s funding.
  • In relation to the Bank’s country and regional operations strategies, identify, prepare and appraise agro-industrial sub-sector operations with focus on post-harvest losses reduction to be submitted for Bank financing.
  • Participate in, and lead, as required, agricultural sector reviews, agricultural and rural development projects formulation, mid-term reviews and project completion missions and reports processing;
  • Participate in appraisal and processing of agricultural and rural development projects and Terms of Reference (TOR) of studies proposed for Bank Group financing;
  • Contribute to agribusiness and agro-industry development seminars both internal and external and draft reports to be presented at these seminars;
  • Contribute technical inputs in the  preparation of country strategy papers and portfolio reviews, with particular reference to agribusiness and agro-industry development;
  • Review procurement documents from regional member countries in line with the Bank’s Group’s procurement procedures and make proposals for action by the Bank and executing agencies;
  • Ascertain good performance of operations through regular, complete and adequate supervision of portfolio operations, technical guidance and training for borrowers on compliance with the Bank’s rules of procedures;
  • Review project feasibility studies and progress reports and make proposals for action by the Bank and executing agencies;
  • Provide technical advice to the Bank’s Disbursement Division on the eligibility of project expenses;
  • Prepare terms of reference and select consultants for missions and supervise technical aspects of their work;
  • Represent the Bank in coordination meetings with other institutions; and
  • Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Division Manager or by Senior Management.
Selection Criteria
Including desirable skills, knowledge and experience
  • At least a Master’s or equivalent degree in Agro-industry related disciplines; a Doctorate degree would be an advantage;
  • Preferably a minimum of 6 years of relevant professional experience in formulating and implementing agribusiness and agro-industry related strategies and development of projects and programs;
  • A sound knowledge of agro-industrial techniques and procedures; ability to work in teams and interpret results and draw from them conclusions and provide strategic recommendations;
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication, analytical and organizational skills. Excellent leadership and time management skills; demonstrated attention to details and client service orientation;
  • Ability to use standard Microsoft Office applications;
  • Ability to communicate and write effectively in English or French with good working knowledge of the other language.
Only applicants who fully meet the Bank’s requirements and are being considered for interview will be contacted. Applicants will only be considered if they submit (preferably electronically, to: a fully completed Personal History Form (PHF), available from the Bank’s web site, and attach a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV) indicating date of birth and nationality. The President, ADB, reserves the right to appoint a candidate at a lower level.
The African Development Bank is an equal opportunities employer and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

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