The Global Environment Facility Trust Fund
Rwanda Sustainable Energy Development Project
Terms of reference for the Rwanda Renewable Energy Strategy Studies (as key input for strategy development and immediate action plans)
Request for Expressions of Interest No 11.07.053/ 2769 /10/PROC-DIR/YM/mn
Request for Expressions of Interest in Consultancy Services
1. Background:
The Government of Rwanda has negotiated a 4.5 Million US$ grant from the Global Environmental Facility Trust Fund (World Bank/GEF) for the Rwanda Sustainable Energy Development Project and intends to apply this fund in payments for the consultancy services whose scope is provided below:
2. Scope of Work:
The Consultant will work closely with the Ministry of Infrastructure as well as other key stakeholders. Although key outputs are strategy studies and action plans, it is imperative that the process enables the inclusion of various views on how to diffuse RETs in a sustainable manner.
The assignment is planned to start on 15th August 2010 and be finally reported to MINIFRA within 6 months from commencement. The main scope is to present a detailed strategy document that specifies program designs and work plans for supporting enhanced diffusion of solar energy technologies, micro-hydro and wind energy in Rwanda. And it will be done in phases below:
2.1. Inception phase
The methodologies and the Consultant’s approach must be agreed upon mostly on the following: Collection of relevant reference data on the renewable energy sectors.
- Identification and meeting with relevant national stakeholders.
- Identifying the relevant stakeholders in the respective value chain.
- Holding a kick-off meeting with MININFRA and other key stakeholders.
- Drawing up a list committee of relevant representatives from Energy sector stakeholders.
- Formulating terms of reference of the committee, including duties and frequency of meetings.
2.2 Phase 1: Sector Overviews
The following data collection instruments should be considered:
- Use existing data to verify current and past demand for the renewable energy subject to study.
- Additional data will be collected to supplement missing secondary data.
- End-user interviews /distribution of questionnaires to understand barriers for rapid diffusion.
2.3 Phase 2: Preparation of National Renewable Energy strategy
Findings of the Country Status Report with key stakeholders will be discussed in the areas below:
2.3. Investment Framework
Public responsibilities versus Private responsibilities. The potential for PPP and needed regulatory framework. The role of financial markets to promote such investments
2.3.2 Policy Implications
- How to create incentives for investment in renewable energy
- The need for (and level of) subsidies or other financial instruments to speed up diffusion
- How to link energy with productive use
- How to support upcoming entrepreneurs in renewable energy sector
2.3.3 Market Regulation
- The supervision of commercial markets .
- Operation and Maintenance Framework and Regulation of independent Energy operations Propose and discuss the applicability of various models for O&M of RET installations.
2.3.4 Technology
- Assessment of the various RE Technology Suitability for meeting Rwanda’s energy needs. Cost/Benefit analysis of various Technology options. Spatial plan of RE Technology suitability for Rural and Urban Energy supply.
- New technology development and Innovation in Rwanda. The role of Academia in supporting market formation and innovation.
2.3.5 Output Phase 2: Draft
- Renewable Energy strategy
- The draft strategy must reflect findings and stakeholders’ perspective in a balanced and representative way and comprises the platform for a detailed work plan.
3. Staffing and qualifications
The team would require two renewable energy specialists (Solar&Hydro) complemented with one Energy Economist.
The qualifications and experience must be clearly highlighted in the proposal. Interested Experts/companies must submit their expressions of interest explicitly bearing the mention Expression of interest for consultancy Services on Rwanda Renewable Energy Strategy Studies at the address given below not later than 16th August 2010 at 10hOO.
Rue du Lac Ihema
P.O.B 537 Kigali, Rwanda
Tel.: +250 (0)252573666
Fax. +250 (0)252573802
Rue du Lac Ihema
P.O.B 537 Kigali, Rwanda
Tel.: +250 (0)252573666
Fax. +250 (0)252573802
Further information and detailed terms of references may be obtained at the address and website mentioned above during office hours i.e. from 08:00 to 17:00 hours.
Yves Muyange
Ag Managing Director
Ag Managing Director